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"where were you" Sloane asked as Elena walked out of her room "Ahh out" she smiled "And what are they doing here" she then asked noticing luther and allison "Uh bens calling a family meeting" Sloane said as luther agreed "great" elena sighed "both families" she corrected gesturing to allison "do you think you could get your people to work together," Sloane asked as luther chuckled "oh you're being serious." 

"I'm in" allison said walking straight past the couple as they followed her out, "Yeah ok" elena mumbled following them down.

"what the hell are you doing stanely is gone we need to face this" lila yelled "check the chimney" diego shouted tearing the room apart as five looked at the wall art "he's not in the bloody chimney he's been kugelblitz" lila shouted "and whos fault is that your the one who brought him here" diego shouted back "congrats your both terrible parents now can we focus how did this thing open before" five said gesturing to the art "i don't know it was kinda of already open" diego said "already kinda open" five repeated "you know diego you should have been an engineer its a lost opportunity" five sassed as diego kept searching "why do you want to go into there anyway its sushi and death" lila questioned "when we met future me in the commission bunker he warned me about oblivion now pogo told me" five started as deigo interrupted "whoa wait pogos alive" "different pogo but yes" five said "the monkey said that dad spent years training the sparrows for some kind of secret mission into" five said "oblivion" lila guessed as five nodded "so i came back here and find out that you two sentient STDS have actually been in there..everything is leading to obvilion so we have to go in there" five said "oh hell no" diego refused "are you kidding me we nearly died" lila shouted "yeah so what, this is more then just about you two" five said.

 "says the guy with all his fingers, I didn't get this by giving a mummy a handjob" diego sassed "i went in there and lost my fingers by this swinging thing with a knife and a chain.." he continued "Hey look diego might be 90% moron and 10% pelvic thrusts but he's right about oblivion were not just going to waltz in there because you say so" Lila defended.

 "Good because you're coming with us," luther said as he and Sloane walked into the room "This should be interesting...where to" five asked, "the sparrow academy," Sloane said "the worlds ending so I think its best that we put our petty bullshit aside and work together to stop this kugleblitz" luther said "yeah or what," Diego asked "otherwise Stanely won't be the only one of us to disappear," Lila said as she followed five out.

"Hey there stranger," five said leaning against the door frame "Hey there" Elena smirked looking up from her book "No.. Wait why are you here" she then asked "Our families are bonding downstairs, so I thought to make sure you weren't pulling a runner, and bring you down to party," he said walking into the room "oh how thoughtful," the girl awed, "anything for you" he sassed, "you're just trying to get out of having to participate in the family bonding aren't you?" She raised an eyebrow, her smirk growing wider as she leaned back against the couch cushions "Maybe a little," Five admitted sitting down in the chair, "I'm not exactly thrilled about being surrounded by my siblings and their... antics," He said as Elena chuckled "yeah me neither too much hassle". "well I'm sure you play a part in the antics as well" five said as the girl raised her eyebrow "yeah I do, I like stirring the pot with them" the girl confused her eyes filled with amusement.

 "What's it really like being part of the sparrows?" he asked, leaning in slightly. The girl's expression turned serious, "It's... intense. Everyone's always pushing each other to be the best, to win, It gets exhausting. And sometimes it feels like no one really cares about anyone else, just their own success." Five nodded thoughtfully, "I can imagine. It sounds like a lot of pressure." he said "Oh You get used to especially when your competitive yourself" She chuckled "Speaking of the family we should properly head down," Five said getting up as the girl groaned following him down. 

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