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A blue vortex formed into the air as the trio fell out of it landing on top of each other and grunting at the hit "Uhh get off me weirdo" Elena spat pushing five of her as he fell to the floor with Lila

"Where have you been," Viktor asked "Visiting the world" Elena grunted getting up "Facing my mortality Viktor I don't recommend it" Five replied dizzy "You had the briefcase we've been looking for this" allison then shouted grabbing the briefcase "well look no further than the last one on earth," five said as Allison looked at the broken case...

"or was the last one" he corrected as allison threw it on the floor scoffing "Yeah that's toast," Five said as Lila hugged diego "What why are you hugging me what's wrong," diego asked "Turns out there's less time to hold grudges than I had planned, you're off the hook..." Lila replied

"where is stan" She then asked as luther grab diego dragging him away "Excuse us," he said "Did you and allison get into some fight last night," luther asked, "hell yeah we kicked some serious ass last night," diego said, "What the hell hasn't gotten into this family" luther questioned, "i don't know but it's awesome I swear to go I have near seen her do any of those things before she was brutal....its fine just need to blow of steam and I helped shes good" diego replied"oh yeah real good" luther scoffed.

"Hey chatty Kathy's cut the chitchat I'm calling a family meeting" Five interrupted as Lila walked away with Elena "That means you too," diego said grabbing Lila "And you as well Elena" Five added on as the girl groaned "wheres Klaus" five asked as luther shrugged.

"ill be right back" diego then said noticing stan with the cleaning supplies as he ran after him "Don't leave me with your...." Lila called out as he left "diego...lost another one great" Five sighed "Spit it out five" allison growled "Well since you asked so nicely sister of mine our little paradox brought forth a freaking Kugelblitz" Five spat "What the hell is a kugelblitz" Viktor then asked as five looked at him

"hey, what the hell happened here" Elena asked looking at the room as luther walked over to her putting his hand on her shoulders "I'm sorry" he said as the girl looked at him confused "Why" she questioned "You flock of birds attacked us" allison spat "okay yeah and...." Elena questioned "Jamie and Alphonso are dead," Viktor said as the girl looked at him "What" she whispered as she looked at luther in shock "Well where is everybody else are they okay" she stuttered "their fine, Ben and Fei went home with the cube and Sloane is upstairs, resting," luther told her as the girl ran off.

"Sloane" Elena shouted running down the halls "Alana" Sloane yelled out following each other's voices "Oh my god are you okay" Elena gasped running over to her sister as they hugged "Jamie and Alphonso" Sloane gasped as the girl nodded "yeah no i know".

"what happened" Elena then sternly asked "Our family we went to confront the umbrellas and then this fire happened, and..and then this old man came in and then this shock wave happened and it got them, Allie he killed them" Sloane spoke in between tears as the girls face furrowed

"who" she spat as Sloane shrugged "I don't know I'm sorry" she cried as Elena got up "You know what go home Sloane and I'll be back later" she mumbled walking away.

"so this kugelblitz is.." Viktor started "The end of everything every rock every star every atom sucked into a radiant blackhole," Five said pouring a drink "Random collapsing matter every moment in time across all existence until there's nothing left " Lila added "I hate to say I told you so" five then said as Viktor looked at him "you love to say i told you so" "you know it's fascinating whoever knocked off your mums hated you all enough, to end the entire universe," Lila said "we don't know that" Viktor denied "it doesn't matter who did all right we just have to kick its ass," allison said "oh really how you and diego gonna punch the kugel," luther asked

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