You're a Star

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            *Short Storyboarding note I forgot to add in the last chapter. During Star's emergence and fall to Rosas, I would keep the scene similar to the film. All of Rosas would be able to see this brilliant light, we'd pan to a few villagers, the queen, and in a final pan we would see a hooded figure on the land that's on the other side of the ocean surrounding Rosas. He would look up and see the light and be either intrigued or confused. We wouldn't see his full face, just a shadow of it. This would be our first meeting with Magnifico*

His golden hair shone, illuminating his friendly face. A cloak adorned in intricate constellations hung off his trim shoulders, pinned just below his neck with a dazzling emblem. As he hoisted himself out of the well, Asha scrambled back, clutching Valentino even closer. Questions raced in her mind; who was this boy? What was he?

He appeared just as taken with her as he eyed her from head to toe slowly with his hands clasped behind his back. When he walked, the cape swished against the grass, though his gaze never faltered. The two stared silently at one another until at last he gazed upon her face and his smile widened. At once he rushed up to her and Asha flinched, frozen in place. Whatever she expected, a blow or an attack, never came. Instead, the boy's fingers lightly brushed each freckle on her cheek. His face was so close she might've sneezed and blown his nose off. A strange, nervous squeak escaped her lips and right away the boy's eyes widened, and he backed up. Much to Asha's irritation, Valentino sat quietly in her arms, unfazed by the invasion of her personal space.

She watched him brush his cheeks and bounce from one foot to the next, excitedly. It took her a moment of careful observation, but when she noticed it, she let out an awkward laugh.

"You have freckles!" she said with a nod. "Just like mine."

He nodded and cupped his face on each cheek. Asha raised one eyebrow and cocked her head. This boy was...maybe not harmless but not exactly a monster either. At least, not an aggressive one.

"Wh-What are you?" she asked.

He didn't answer. Instead, he turned his head quickly to a nearby tree and sprang toward it. He wasn't running; a slight push against the earth sent him soaring into the air!

Asha watched the boy hover over a small bed of mushrooms and sprinkle a bit of sparkling dust over their caps. Slowly, the mushrooms twitched this way and that. Then a chorus of yawns erupted as they opened their brand-new eyes one by one and looked around them curiously.

How embarrassing it might've been if anyone saw just how Asha's mouth hung open. Perhaps she would've stayed rooted to that spot if Valentino hadn't wriggled his way out of her arms and bounded over to the mushrooms.

"This is crazy!" she muttered as she walked over to inspect them closely.

"We love crazy!" they responded causing her to scream and stumble. She landed on her back and winced. The dull ache that warmed her skin was sure to turn into a nasty bruise in the morning.

"The mushrooms are talking to me," she groaned and covered her eyes with her hands. "The weird girl that talks to goats and mushrooms. Great!"

Asha propped herself up on her elbows and gasped.

"What are you doing?! Valentino don't eat that!"

She scrambled over to the goat, who stood eagerly underneath the boy gulping and slurping away at the dust that rained down from his fingers. Asha tried flicking it away with her fingers, then desperately blowing, hoping to break the stream. But Valentino swallowed more and more until he plopped down with a satisfied hiccup. He bleated once, then shut his mouth with a curious expression.

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