Chapter 6

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Vacuo Capital Outskirts

Vacuo Capital Outskirts

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Yang: we're home.....


They just looked blankly at the sight

Ruby: almost all of us.........

They all look to a defeated looking Ruby

Yang: Ruby it wasn't you're....

She pushed her away


The entire Team was trying to comfort and console her but she didn't wanted it, she wanted to be blamed, she wanted to be called out after hypocrisy after hypocrisy

She knew she 'Lied' to Penny to get her to stay on their side, she Lied to Ironwood to stay under the Rader, She Lied to Herself when she Shot Jaune than  take Accountability

He's gone and he's never coming back

She even took Crescent Rose and threw it into the sand in fear as she can only see blood on it

They all embraced her trying to find the right words to get her back

Weiss: Jaune wouldn't blame you.

Blake: he's not that kind of guy Ruby. He the Hero we all looked up to in the Stories.

Ruby: then why..?*sob* Why do good people have to die!? *sob*

Yang: because they chose to lay down their lives so others can live happily Rubes. That's what heroes do. I know we're not heroes. But He surely is.

Ruby: is.....this why he's not here....that's how his story ends?

Weiss: Ruby....he won't hold a grudge. Believe me I know. When he should have...he Never did.

Ruby: I just want him back. I just want him here with us......How....

They all listened to her question

Ruby: how could I ever face his family and tell them what I did.....

Now they can't answer that

They just stayed that way huddled together hugging a sobbing Ruby

That was until a portal opened and out came Raven Branwen

Yang: Mother?

Raven: I came here on someone's request. I couldn't use my Semblance for days until now.

It seems like you were away. You just made my brother Cry his heart out and I doubt your Father is in better shape. So all I ask is you two to call them once we get there.

Blake: where?

Raven: Vacuo of course.

She slashes the air and a Portal opens

Raven: come on.

They all got back up and Weiss picked up Crescent Rose for her as they all followed Raven


The Wall of Vacuo

We see a Mass of people looking towards the wall and it was filled with pictures and candles

In one portion Qrow was breaking down while Robyn had her hand on his shoulder as he cried in front of a Picture of Ruby and Yang

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In one portion Qrow was breaking down while Robyn had her hand on his shoulder as he cried in front of a Picture of Ruby and Yang

Then we see the Ace-Ops mourning Vine who gave his life doing his Job unlike Harriet who was doing her job to bomb Mantle and it's people

Lastly we see what's left of team JNPR with Emerald who should be in prison but not and Oscar crying over Ruby's picture like she's his girlfriend - fuck off

( The Commentary is about art of this scene that inspired this chapter, look up Vacuo Memorial )

Winter was crying at a Picture of Weiss

We see Nora and Ren crying at a picture with Jaune and Pyrrha right next to a picture of Penny

Then suddenly a Portal opened and Raven came out

Qrow saw this and was visibly angry

Qrow: You! Of all the times to show up you pick....

Then Team RWBY came out

That stopped Qrow as he rushed and hugged the two of them

But he noticed Ruby was not her usual self

Qrow: squirt, what's wrong?

Then the people she couldn't bear to talk to came

Ren: Ruby? Weiss, Blake....Yang. Where's Jaune?

Nora: is he safe? Is he alright?

They all looked down or away 

Nora: No....No....not him.....not him too.......*hic*

Ren just hugged her as he closed his eyes


Ren: We don't know what happened Nora.......But you have a Lot to tell us.

Nora just sobs into his arms as he tries to make her feel better

Ruby passed out succumbing to the psychological, emotional exhaustion

Qrow: Ruby!!!!

Yang: she's not hurt Unc....just tired out of her mind. Let her rest.

Winter rushed and hugged Weiss who was so confused as this never happened before as she hugs her back

Despite all the Happy Reunions only one Never Made it back

Ren took a Candle and lit it and sets it under Jaune's picture as he prays for him

Ren: ( I pray that you may be at peace up there Jaune. If you ever meet my father....please don't talk about me...heh...I know you were always more proud of us than yourself. I know I said some stuff.....but I would never trust anyone else to lead us than you. Rest well my Brother.)

It was a Day of Mourning for those of Atlas' remains

Meanwhile a Hope was rising from a City near them

The White Knight's story continues to spread, what would Team RWBY and Company would do when it reaches their ears

Chapter End

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