Enid and Wednesday both stare down at the baby. It's a little bit grey but it's slowly starting to turn pink, its cries are getting louder. Enid is sat, mouth open in disbelief and Wednesday is staring, without a single blink or movement.
Why didn't you stab it?
Enid rolls her eyes and her instincts kick in, she grabs towels from the counter and some floss which she uses the tie the umbilical cord before slicing it with the knife. She wraps the baby up in the towel and stares at it.
Oh Wednesday she's beautiful. She's so so beautiful. Look at her tiny little nose and her little fingers. She has so much black hair! Hi little one...
She hands the baby to Wednesday but Wednesday doesn't reach to take her, she jus nods to acknowledge her.
Enid brings the baby back into her arms
Well. I am pleased I do not have a parasite of a worm variety. I appear to have dodged that bullet
She goes to stand but she wobbles and sits back down
Hey! What do you think you're doing? You can't go anywhere you've just given birth and you still need to deliver the placenta. Stay where you are. It's ok, you're just in a bit of shock, that's all. Do you want to hold her Wednesday?
Wednesday shakes her head but doesn't say a word. We hear the bedroom door open and a voice call through into the room
Principal Houston comes bounding into the bedroom with the school nurse
Wednesday Addams! What is all this hullabaloo! I can hear you hollering from my office!
We're in the bathroom
They walk into the bathroom, unaware of the carnage that awaits them
Honestly have some decorum, you sound like you're giving bir-
Good Lord above! What on Earths gone on 'ere? Is that a baby? Oh bless your little cottons darlin' bet that stung abit dint it?
The old lady gets down on the floor and starts fussing over Wednesday, checking her temperature and blood pressure. Enid stands up and presents the baby to Houston. The principal is still speechless
Well Wednesday... I shall need to call your parents. I'll need the fathers name too so I can inform his parents also

Kiss Me Forever
FanfictionA long script about Wednesday and Enid Follow @clubgreenmachine on TikTok for more Wenclair's scripts 💚💜