Part 10

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The girls close the door and wander over the Wednesdays bed. They both get on and lay down on their sides, laying baby in between them. There's barely any room but they've managed it


So... did you mean what you said about wanting a relationship? Like with me?


Yes. But I also think this little thing should be our first priority. Mothers first, lovers later


I agree

She looks down at the baby and then back up at Wednesday and smiles


Is it later yet?

She runs her hand down Wednesdays braid and then slides her hand across Wednesdays cheek. Neither girl blinks. Wednesday leans over, careful not to disturb the baby and kisses Enid gently. Enid's eyes close and she sighs against Wednesday's lips


Promise you'll kiss me forever


Promise you'll never get me pregnant again

Enid giggles and puts her face in the pillow


My Mom says it all falls on the order of climax. If we ever want to make another baby in the glen then I'm gonna have to let you come first


Good to know. For now I'm happy to stay the hell away from that glen and leave our sexual activities in the bedroom where they belong


Agree entirely... we have enough on our plates. And your mother's right we need to name her...

They both look down at the baby. Wednesday using her fingertip to brush the end of the baby's nose

The baby stirs and her eyes start to flutter


She's waking up! She's finally opening her eyes! Hi Baby...

The baby's eyelids ping open wide in a swift movement. Her mothers watching in awe. They both gasp as they are met with the most stunning eyes they've ever seen. A rare pair of Iris's stare up at them, sporting a hypnotising central heterochromia of jet black outer lining surrounding a piercing arctic blue.

Their mouths drop open


Oh my God. It's... her...


I KNEW IT! That sneaky little shit. I knew she was related to me, there's no way I'd have told her all that info...


And I told you she looked my me! AND I knew she smelt like a wolf! She played us so well...

Both girls giggle in shock and just gaze at her stunned

The baby coos softly and stares up at the both of them


Hi Persephone


It's been a hot second girl


No wonder you knew the grounds so well, you didn't tell us you were born her. *she pauses* that means she did it Enid, she got the component back in time, she saved everyone...


Did you doubt her?


Not for a second

Wednesday leans down and kisses Persephone on her head before catching Enid's lips with her own once more

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