day 10

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I had been in this room for days, that I knew. I did not know how long or for how long, I was disorientated, confused, and hungry. Very very hungry. The two other tributes who died near me had food on them, I managed to grab it before their bodies dissolved into the floor, presumable to be returned to their districts.

I needed to eat, but I knew I needed to follow my instructions first, I needed to kill.

so I did.

I searched at first, looking in the endless corridors, hallways and rooms, all tinted in that horrific yellow, a colour I knew I would have till my death, simply wandering around, sidestepping the puddles of blood on the floors or sprays of it on the walls. I went from floor to floor butchering people with effortless efficiently. launching myself head first into each attack, cutting into their skin with cuts so deep I saw bone, paralysing them with pain and fear slitting their throats was easy.

by now I was drenched in blood. covered in it head to toe. my hair, once flowed freely was hastily tied at my nape and matted with dried blood.

the only claim I can make is that none if it belongs to me.

I had killed 5 people with my knew gifts, 7 in total.  people who's names I don't know, faces I hardly remember, yet I knew they would haunt me till I die. I made sure to grin after each kill, looking every part the ruthless killer the capitial want in a Victor.

I remembered, after each kill, the fear I felt as a child at the possibility of going into the games, that I would he killed at the hands if a career tribute in a horrible way. I never routed for the monsters, I hated them with passion.

all I can do is look at myself, clothes drenched and sticky with blood and reflect, I am now the very image of my hatred, the thing I despised as I child is what I have become.

Yet I have no time to reflect on that, I had a mission, a purpose. I needed to win, to get home. no need to sicken myself any more than necessary, I need to get home.

if you can even call the way I lived a home. yet I had the capitials approval, that I knew from the endless sponsor gifts I had been receiving, i had approval for the first time in my life and okay it was getting to my head a little.

I found myself not sleeping, hunting through what I assumed to be the night to kill more, but her them more. they looked less than people by the ends of our fights, I was getting better and more efficient with each kill.

there was no if anymore I was going home.

I may not be celebrated by my district, but the capitial loved me, would love me. what more can I ask for.

there were 5 of us left now, just 5 including me. 4 left to kill.

I was going home. I knew it. I could feel it in my blood, in my bones. I was going home.

I was going home

The anchor of love||| Johanna MasonWhere stories live. Discover now