Chapter 2

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Today I can finally see my house again. It's such a weird idea because I have no clue what it looks like or where it is located.

I feel lost. Lost in my own world.

I opened my eyes to see Jai on a chair next to me. He looked at me with hopeful eyes and a comforting smile. 

" You alright darling? Had a good rest? " 

" I'm fine Jai, thanks for staying. When can we go? " 

He laughed at my comment. I have no idea why but I just let it go. 

" Let me get the doctor. Your stuff is already packed so if he gives his permission we can go right away. "
With that he walked off.
He was wearing a tight white shirt which perfectly showed all his abs and a black skinny jeans with black boots. God he looks delicious. 

I sound like a freaking predator but I may because he's my fiancé afterall I mean c'mon don't judge aye. After a minute or two he came back with my bags and helped me out of bed. It felt so weird to walk again, it was like I have been dead for two years.

" Wait, Jai, my clothes! I'm still wearing this hideous hospital dress. Can you give me my bag? I'll pick an outfit. " 

Again, he laughed at my comment. What am I? A retard? 

" Do you think I would let my beautiful girl go out in something she doesn't like? I already got you an outfit sweetie. I'm taking you to your dressing room come on. "

Yup he's definitely my fiancé. 

We got to the dressing room and on a chair was my outfit. I don't know if it's true but I guess that this was my favourite outfit because it is so me. Wait, is it? Are they even my clothes? Oh god I'm tripping. 

" Jai are those my clothes? I love the outfit. "

" They are babe, this is your favourite outfit actually. " 

Thought so. 

It was a shoulder revealing crop top with a black high waisted skinny jeans.
I loved the idea of wearing a cute outfit again so I basically ran to that chair and started to undress myself. I was left in my underwear when I realised that Jai was still in the room.
I slowly turned around and looked at him. I think you have the wrong picture in your head right now. It didn't look sexy, I looked like a racoon who just stole some food. 

To my surprise he didn't even look at me. He was too busy playing with his Nirvana bracelet. I guess he is used to seeing me like this..
For fuck sake Alyssa, get your shit together.
I just quickly put on my clothes and fixed my hair a bit. I finally feel kind of pretty again. Decent.

" Done mister "

" Alright my lady, you look good. " 

He said and went for a kiss. I don't know what happened but my mind told me to awkwardly block it so that's what I did. 

" S-Sorry I don't know what's wrong with me.. "

" Don't be sorry babe, I get it really. We'll take things slow. " He said with a genuine smile and opened the door for me to get out. 

Together we walked to the car and he held the door open for me. Such a gentleman.
The ride was silent. Not awkward, just silent. The radio was on a soft volume and the sun was shining. It felt like those days where you just leave. Those days where you feel free. I don't know if I ever did that before but I think that this is what it feels like. 

I looked at Jai and he was humming along to the song, still focused on the rode. He is so handsome, it's insane.
I must be blessed, to have him as my fiancé. I can not wait to share a bed with him....

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