Chapter 3

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Jai looked at me after I said the official ' I love you ' and got tears in his eyes. It felt like such a big deal even though I probably have said it more than a thousand times already. It's like I'm a whole new person.

" I love you too babe.. We all do. " Jai said.

I smiled gently.

It really was like those moments in Twilight where that vampire just explained his love for this girl and they stare at each other really awkwardly but it's not awkward. You feel me? Well yeah. Gina interrupted us with the best sentence in the world.

" Anybody up for some food? "

That sentence was like music to my ears. I don't even know if the woman can cook but I am so hungry it's insane. I felt like screaming YES WOMAN THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND but that would be quite inappropriate since I don't really know her. Or I do.

You do know her stupid. You're just too dumb to remember.

" W-who said that? "

Everyone looked at me like I was retarded. This really got me confused.

" Didn't any of you say ' You do know her stupid. You're just too dumb to remember. ' "

" Lyssa of course not! We would never say that. I think you misheard. " Luke said.

I guess he's right. By the way it still freaks me out how much he looks like Jai. I keep having the urge to call him Jai but that would be so awkward.

" Oh well anyways, what's for dinner Gina? " I said with a polite smile.

She smirked at me which was quite weird.

" You're favorite sweetie. Pasta Bolognese. " Again that smirk. Why does she keep doing that oh god I feel so weird. Smirks are disgusting.

When she said that everyone started cheering. I didn't really know if I should cheer with them because I have no idea how the dish tastes. I feel terrible. This was one thing that made me realize that I lost all my memories. I don't even know how my favorite dish tastes I'm so stupid.

Everyone knows everything about me and all I know about them is their names. I feel even worse for my little girl. I can't even remember giving birth to her. Today was the first day that I saw her again.. I should be ashamed of myself. All I know about my only daughter is her name.

As everyone kept cheering I took place at the sofa and kept quiet. I felt a presence next to me so I looked to find Gina and Jailynn sitting next to me. I quickly wiped my tear away and put up a smile.

" Hey baby! I'm so happy to see you! " I said and took Jailynn out or Gina's arms and playfully poked her little dimples. She laughed and her eyes got these twinkles. She's a gift from god, so beautiful.

" Alyssa are you okay darling? What's wrong? "

I hesitated to tell her because she won't understand anyways. I looked at her and she gave me a reassuring look in return. I decided to just tell her.

" I feel so terrible Gina.. You guys know everything about me and I don't know anything about you. I don't even know anything about my own daughter other than her name. I can't even remember giving birth to her. What if she grows older and she decides to ask me if it was hard giving birth to her. I mean that may be a quite weird question but it is possible right? Then I'll have to tell her that I don't remember anything about that day anymore. Just the thought makes me sound like a bad mother.. "

Gina laughed in response. Is that weird or is it just me? I just told her how I felt and she laughs..

" You're just like how I remember you. Don't worry sweetie. Everyone understands and Jailynn will too when she's older. By the way, by the time she knows how to understand things you will definitely know everything again. That's what we're here for, to help you. We're going to help you remember everything step by step okay? I'm not saying that it will be easy but we'll make it work I promise. "

I smiled at her and mouthed a Thank you.


" I guess this is my que to cook some food for you guys. " Gina giggled and stood up.

I still had Jailynn in my arms. Jai placed himself on the sofa next to me and we both looked at Jailynn. If someone video taped us right know it would look like that moment where a couple just had a baby and they look at it as if it is the most beautiful thing they have ever seen. You know, that perfect happy family. Maybe we are, I don't know.

" She's so beautiful Jai.. "

" I know right, thanks to me. I mean we have to thank god that I am so handsome because we could've had an ugly kid you know. "

I playfully slapped him on his arm and laughed.

" Why do I have a kid with you again? "

" Just kidding babe it's all because of you. You're beyond beautiful and I love.. erh yeah.. "

He nervously laughed and scratched his neck. When he scratched his neck it was like I had a deja vu.. It's like I have seen him doing that before.. Meh I don't think so.

" It's okay Jaidon you can say it. I mean we've made a kid after all so.... " I said laughing.

He smiled and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

" Do you want to see the rooms upstairs? "

I nodded and together with jailynn we walked upstairs. We got in our room first.. everything was white and the room was just so light.. it felt so familiar..


I giggled and handed Jai Jailynn. He walked down with her and I stayed in our room. I looked at all the stuff and there was a photo of the boys with hundreds of girls behind them screaming... There was an echo photo of Jailynn.. My underwear on the floor.. My phone.. WAIT MY PHONE.

I clicked it open and found so much notifications. From twitter, instagram, text messages this and that. I opened my messages first. One was from Luke.

From Luke ;

Oiiiii chicken!! What time r u coming hoe from work? Oops meant to say home lolZ. Maybe not.

Anyways see ya stupid. '

one was from Daniel.

From Skip ;

HIIII LYSSA!!! Hope you're okay we're shit nervous. STOP KEEPING US NERVOUS GURL STAAAHP. Anyways James and I stayed at home to stay with Jailynn and guess what?


Exactly!!! She said my name before yours GOTCHA BITCH. Lol see ya girl once again hope ur okay love you. Kinda. '

These guys  are nuts and so rude but I love it. I can see why they're my friends. Then there was another message from an unknown number.

From Unknown ;

So you lost your memories huh? Maybe this is a good chance for us to start over. You know, as friends. I have this really nice brother named Jake.. We could go out to see him, should be nice. xoxo Rachel '

This was kinda weird.. Maybe I should ask who she is.

I walked to the kitchen and luckily everyone was there to answer my question.

" Guys who is Rachel? She wants to meet to become friends and she wants me to meet her brother. "

They all looked at me as if I pointed a gun to their heads.
Weird people.


I'm so sorry for the long wait guys. It's my main sentence I know lol anyways hope you enjoyed and feel free to vote and comment xoxoxoxo

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