✩Party Disaster✩ Pest x F!Reader

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The request pretty much sums this entire story up perfectly so no need for a summary!

You and a whole bunch of others went to one of Poob's parties, when I mean a whole bunch, I mean about 40-60 people.

You went over to the drink stand with 4 other people, just following you around trying to get your number and all that, but you saw someone familiar at the corner of your eye. It was Pest.

He just couldn't stop looking at you for no reason at all. Everytime you caught him staring, he would try brush it off and just pretend that he was doing something.

So, being a bit curious.. you approached him.

He immediately stood up straight and looked down at you.
You both were a bit drunk.. (when I say a bit I mean a whole lot)
And honestly you couldn't even tell what would happen next, it was shocking.

He picked you up and carried you bridal-style into a tight closet area and proceeded to close the door and press you up against the wall.

People couldn't hear the amount of lewd sounds coming from there.. and Poob literally just fainted. I mean, nobody expected you two to be all lovey-lovey with each other.

About like 10-15 minutes later, you both came out.
Your hair was messy, and pretty much everything on you looked like it was touched.
Pest on the other hand.. he had lipstick-stains all over his face, and his cap was slanted to the left a bit.

You and Pest agreed to never talk about this day again.

274 words,  short as I'm running out of time to do something

I had NO ideas in my brain soo

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