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Hey my dear readers.

As you all have already noticed, I didn't posted a new chapter of "Play with Fire" for a long time now. And I'm sorry to inform you, that "Play with Fire" will officially be paused until further announcement. I'm really sorry for all of you but I started this story nearly four years ago and I'm not as happy with it anymore as I was before, so I will take some time, work on it and will return to you with a, hopefully, better version of "Play with Fire". 

Thank you to those who have been reading the story until now and I hope you will still be back, wenn it will return. The story of those two is't over yet and I will continue it. I promise <3

I love you all and thanks for your understanding and faith your having in me as an author!

~ Alex ~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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