[September] 1

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"Are you serious? You haven't even looked at your books once for whole two months?!"

Kihyun's voice climbed a few octaves while he looked at the taller brown-haired boy, who sat next to him, his face leaned against the windows of the bus.


Kihyun sighed and turned his face to the front. "Chae Hyungwon, you're driving me crazy. When will you finally grow up?"

The said boy just grinned and mockingly raised one eyebrow. "Says the little dwarf." He laughed when Kihyun turned around again and punched him on the shoulder.

"Not everybody can be as tall as you are, you giraffe!" Hyungwon grinned and pushed Kihyun out of his seat. "Yeah, yeah alright. Now get your nerdy ass up. The next station is ours." Kihyun mumbled something but stood up anyway.

As soon as they got out of the bus, a loud scream appeared and a blonde fluffball ran towards them, hugging both boys at the same time.

"OMG!! I've missed you guys SOOOO much!!" Hyungwon pulled out of the sudden hug, smiling brightly at his friend, running his hand through the blonde's hair.

"Hey, Min. I've missed you too. How was Europe?" An even brighter smile appeared on Minhyuk's face and he started talking like nothing good.

"It was so good. The food, the people, the weather! Everything! I wish I could've stayed longer." Kihyun raised one eyebrow at the younger. "Longer than one and a half months? I don't think that your parents could've afforded that. Not money-related. More like... you know... Hearing-related. I think they would've been deaf if you stayed longer."

He grinned as Minhyuk hit him on the shoulder. "Why is this dwarf always so aggressive?" He looked at Hyungwon but the older just shrug his shoulders.

"I have no idea. He's like that the whole morning. He even asked me if I had looked at my books over the summer."

Minhyuk looked at Hyungwon confused and Hyungwon rolled his eyes. Kihyun, on the other hand, looked firmly at Minhyuk.

Silently asking him the same question as Hyungwon before. But Minhyuk didn't get it so he just returned the glance with a questioning look on his face.

Kihyun rolled his eyes at the inability of the younger to read body signs. "So, did you?" Minhyuk was still confused. "Did I what?"

Kihyun let out a frustrated groan. "Oh my god, Minhyuk! Did you look at your books, maybe even studied?" Minhyuk just shrugged his shoulders and threw his bag over his shoulders.

"What for? It's the first week, you nerd. Nothings gonna happen." Hyungwon laughed and exchanged a high Five with him before tugging Kihyun, who still complained, with them into the building.

In the hallway the looked up their timetable and then walked to their first lesson. Or so-called lesson because it was, just like Minhyuk had said, the first day of the semester and there was probably nothing they would do besides talking about their holidays and the upcoming teaching material. So nothing interesting at all.

The boys walked into the classroom and Minhyuk immediately run towards two other boys who were standing around a desk talking to their classmates.

He hugged both just like he did before with Kihyun and Hyungwon and nearly showered their faces with kisses. The smaller boy could barely stop him. He holds up his hands defensively and looked disgusted at the older boy.

"Gosh. Stop it! You're like a dog! See, that's exactly what I haven't missed." The boy he spoke to just laughed and kissed Minhyuk's cheeks.

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