[September] 3

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Hoseok walked into the apartment, closed the door and leaned against it. Letting out a loud sigh. Finally Friday.

His head hurts like crazy. He took off his shoes and walked into the kitchen. He opened the cupboards and took out a glass. Filling it with water and taking out an aspirin as well.

He swallowed the pill and leaned against the countertop, his eyes closed.

His thoughts revolved around the tall boy. His dark brown hair, his slender figure, his beautiful brown eyes, and his seductive lips. Oh, those lips.

Hoseok shook his head vigorously and sighed again. It was wrong. So fucking wrong. Not only the thoughts he had. But also the way Hyungwon made him feel. He shouldn't feel this way. What was wrong with him? Hyungwon was 17, which made him not only a minor and not in any case legal but on top of that he was also his student.

During the whole lesson, Hoseok now and then had looked over to the tall boy, who was sitting at the end of the bench, trying to watch over the ongoing game. Hoseok knew the boy thought he hadn't noticed the way Hyungwon had reacted when they accidentally had touched earlier.

But Hoseok had. He had felt how Hyungwon had stiffened under his touch. That was the reason Hoseok had immediately returned his attention to his papers. He felt sorry for the boy and didn't want to make him feel even more uncomfortable. He knew what Hyungwon was going through right now. He could see it in the boy's eyes.

Hyungwon was confused as hell. But so was Hoseok. Ever since the boy had run into him his feelings were a whole mess. And so were Hyungwon's.

Hoseok knew the best way would've probably been to stay away from the boy. Not interact in any kind of way, besides teaching him. But he also knew that it was nearly impossible. Even though he had just get to know him, he already felt so attached to the younger. He couldn't describe it.

Hoseok sat down at his desk and took out some homework he needed to correct. And it was also a perfect way to distract himself from Hyungwon.

After a few hours, he closed the last folder and leaned back into his chair, stretching his arms above his head. His bones creaked as they got back into their places and he closed his eyes.

Suddenly his phone started to ring and he answered the call without looking at the screen first.

"Hey, Hoho! What's up, man?!" A smile stole onto his lips as he recognized the voice of Matthew, an old gym friend of him. "Hey, Big Tiddie! Nothing in particular. Just finished some corrections."

Matthew laughed on the other side of the phone. "Once a nerd, always a nerd, huh? C'mon man! It's Friday! Let's grab some drinks, ok? I'll pick you up in 10!" And Matthew ended the call without waiting for Hoseok's response.

The younger looked at his phone in disbelief but eventually got up and walked into his bedroom to pick out some clothes. He chose tight black pants and a plain white shirt, which covered his upper body perfectly but also let enough space to imagine what was beyond the soft fabric.

He tucks the front part of the shirt into his pants and then sprayed some perfume onto himself before walking into the hallway to get his converse out of the closet.

A few minutes later he heard the doorbell, grabbed his phone and a leather jacket and walked down without even answering it, already knowing it was Matthew.

The buff boy opened the door and sat down next to his friend, giving him a high five. "I've also called Jacks, Jisoo, and Somin to come with us." Hoseok nodded and fastened his seat belt. "Sure, no problem with that." Matthew grinned and hit the pedal, following the other cars who headed towards downtown.

He parked the car a few meters away from the club where they always met and the boys got out of the car. The music was already hearable outside the club and the lights flashed so fast that it almost caused epileptic seizures.

"OVER THERE!" Matthew leaned closer to Hoseok and while he yelled the words into the younger's ear he pointed at the direction of a comfortable corner booth. Jackson, Jisoo and Somin were already there and beckon the boys over. They walked over and sat down, immediately ordering some drinks.

Hoseok noticed another girl, who was sitting next to Jackson. He had wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she leaned against him. From time to time looking at him in awe and smiling whenever he said something. Must be his girlfriend. The girl had noticed his questioning look and reached out her hand. "Hi, I'm Ace." Hoseok took her hand carefully and shook it lightly while smiling at the girl. "Hi, I'm Hoseok."

Jack's laughed at Hoseok and pulled him into a hug. "Hey, big fella! How are you doin? I haven't seen you in ages!" Hoseok returned the hug and ruffled through the smaller's hair. Jacks growled and pulled his head out of Hoseok's arms. Then he looked at Matthew.

"Where did you dig him out, huh?" Matthew laughed and pushed Hoseok a little. "Right out of his books. He wanted to spend the weekend correcting homework." Jacks rolled his eyes and returned to Ace. "Still the little nerd from college, huh?" The boys laughed and kept on talking for a while.

Hoseok took a sip from his fifth drink, as he felt a hand on his thigh. Jisoo had come closer during the last hours and now let her fingers run over the inside of Hoseok's thigh while he other hand was wrapped around the boy's neck. "I'm glad Matthew pulled you out of your apartment." Her voice was sweet. Too sweet and Hoseok knew her good enough to immediately recognize the seductive undertone. He carefully pushed her hands away but she didn't give up.

She came closer as soon as he tried to move away from her. "Jisoo, stop it. I mean it." She just laughed it off and started to kiss the side of his neck, leaving lipstick everywhere on his pale skin. Her hand was on his thigh again and now wandered to his crotch and started to stroke over the fabric. Hoseok writhed under her touch and stood up. "I-I'm sorry... I need to go now. It was good to see you all again. See ya!" With that, he waved them goodbye, paid for his drinks and then rushed out of the club.

The fresh air helped him clear his mind. What the hell did just happened? Jisoo had OBVIOUSLY tried to seduce him. But the moment she started to touch him and stroke over his crotch he thought about Hyungwon. And how beautiful he would look doing this. And even more.


What was wrong with him? He could've had everybody. Men or women. It doesn't matter. But all he wanted was the 17-year-old boy. He wanted him more than he would've ever thought and more than he definitely should. He was his student for God's sake. And a minor!

Hoseok walked back to his apartment, his thoughts still revolved around Hyungwon. He opened the front door to the apartment complex and walked in, not noticing the black shadow which was leaning against the wall, hiding so that nobody would see him.

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