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- Small A/N: maybe a spoiler but something actually happens this chapter kinda woah man (again, nothing too much but more than whatever the something was before)

You thankfully make it back to the house on time. Saki is home before you, but at least she didn't have her friends over, making it potentially awkward if you were to come home before her...

While although you beat Tsukasa to coming home before him, you didn't by very much and were able to very much hear him and his friends (mainly him though) from your bedroom.

You kind of made it your goal to avoid leaving your room as much as physically possible without killing yourself from dehydration, hunger or from needing to use the restroom. Unfortunately, you kind of didn't eat before leaving nor while you left so you were terribly hungry.

Having no idea on how else to avoid the awkwardness of running into Tsukasa and his friends, you just went to the kitchen anyway and silently prayed he and his friends were in his room.

Thankfully your desperate prayers were answered so you could grab whatever you wanted without running into anyone awkwardly.

You decide to make yourself some ramen. It's quick, easy and it sounded nice so you went for it. You were somehow undisturbed the entire process of making and eating your ramen, but you were just thankful for that too. At least there was something on your side today.

Heading back to your room, you lock the door. You don't know why, but you just did.

Night time eventually comes around and it's quiet. You're just completely up and awake though, doing your own thing. You knew Tsukasa and his friends were most likely asleep (and same with Saki) so you felt some relief to be up at night by yourself.

Soon 22:00 o'clock turned into 02:00 o'clock in the morning, and you were still awake. You were growing sleepy, so you decided to put down what you were doing and go to sleep.

...Yeah, that didn't work out.

After what felt like hours, but was truly only a singular hour, of tossing and turning, you let out a heavy groan. "For fuck's sake, can I just fall asleep..?" You ask in a murmur.

Five minutes pass and you feel yourself growing dehydrated. "Maybe I just need something to drink.. Let me see." You mumble under your breath, sitting up on your bed. After several minutes of adjusting, you stand up and walk towards your door.

Slowly unlocking your door, you swing it open leisurely and step out, leaving it cracked. You gently make you way to the kitchen, careful to not wake anyone up. However, as you make it outside the kitchen, you notice its light is on.

"What the..?" You ask in a soft whisper. "Who in the hell is also awake at this time?"

You decide to ignore it, walking inside the kitchen anyway. When you did, you notice a familiar presence. Of course it was Rui Kamishiro.

"E-Eh? Rui..?" You murmur, causing Rui to look at you.

"Oya..? [Y/N]? What are you doing up so late?" Rui asked.

You give him an 'are you serious?' sort of look. "The same goes for you..."

Rui chuckles nervously yet quietly, careful not disturb anyone sleeping. "Well, fair point, I suppose. I just can't sleep. That's all."

You pause. "Weird... I can't either."

Rui looks into your eyes. "Oh? How coincidental."

Your chest grows fuzzy feeling again. It feels warm...

"I'm starting to think Rui's driving me crazy... My chest always feels so weird around him and everything." You thought to yourself.

"I'm just getting water... I'm a bit dehydrated." You say. Rui nods in reply.

"Go ahead." He says, moving out of your way from the cabinets. You grab an empty glass cup, walking towards the sink and turning on the water and its filter. You fill it halfway, stopping the water and turning off the water filter.

You take a small sip of the water, your chest feeling fuzzier. You subconsciously murmur a, "Rui?" under your breath. It was loud enough to be heard though.

Rui looks into your eyes again. "Hm? What is it [Y/N]?" As he asks that, you realize unintentionally called out his name. You look up at Rui, your eyes meeting his.

"His eyes are so pretty.." You thought momentarily. "Wait what?"

"N- Nothing! Sorry, I don't know why I said that.. I think I am tired." You mumble, lowering your head. The image of Rui's soft golden and beautiful eyes in your head.

Rui stares at you, slightly skeptical but he lets it go. "Well, alright."

You take another sip of your purified water slowly and awkwardly, enveloping in your thoughts as there is silence once more; "Why do I keep thinking his eyes are so pretty..? Why does my chest feel this way in general?"

"Not only his eyes are pretty though, but nearly everything... I never noticed too much since I never usually make eye contact with people. But his hair looked really soft too... His face as well.. Just a lot of things." You think further, blushing a little as you do.

"Wait, what am I doing? Why do I feel like this?" You ask yourself in your head. "I don't get it..."

Your current thoughts were cut off as you realized something as you take another sip of your water. "Wait a minute, do I love him...? Wait— N-No, no. I do not love him. Don't get ahead of myself."

"But then again I.."

Your thoughts were cut off by Rui asking if you were okay. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"Eh..? Y- Yes! I am p- perfectly fine! Just.. thinking, that's all." You say nervously in reply. Rui looks at you, skeptical once more.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

You nod quickly in response, as if severely desiring to convince him that was the truth. "Y- Yes! Positive.."

Rui looks at you further, staring into your eyes more. You lock eyes with him once more. "His eyes... They're.. really pretty." You think.

Your head goes quiet. "But.. I don't love him or anything... He's my twin's best friend... That'd be absurd."

"Okay... Well, I'll be on my way." Rui smiled softly in response. "I'll see you in the morning." He said, walking out of the kitchen.

"See you."

Your heartbeats faster. "Maybe I do though.."

[✓ ] Irony. | Kamishiro Rui x GN!Reader.Where stories live. Discover now