Chapter 46: The Oddities Continue

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I slept a lot that night. Cleaning that core was hard work and I didn't sleep once during the two days.

When I woke up it was past noon. I went to the guild still sleepy.

"Hello Rose, you seem tired."

"Very much."

"The usual?"

"Yes please."

Silas took my order and went into the back. He grabbed the wine first and I sipped it, then I realized.

"Could you add a black coffee please?"

"Sure. Whatever you need."

He brought out the coffee and I sipped it too.

"Heh, what a sobering sight. Rose Hood, drinking wine and coffee at the same time."

"Hello Dallel."

"Hey Zath... I mean Silas, could I get a coffee as well?"


"By the way Rose, your little becoming a priest got a lot of attention."

"Hey, at least I fit the title Evil Slayer better now."

I smirked then put my head on the table.

"Are you tired?"

"Unlocking goodness magic is hard. I'm tired..."

I began slouching and sinking under the table. Dallel caught my hand and pulled me back to position.

"Careful, you'll get a splinter."

Then Thalia kicked through the wall.



She tackle-hugged me causing my coffee and wine to fly and spill. I used telekinesis to steady and put it on the table softly.

"Wow, Rose. That much control over telekinesis and you used it to save wine."


Dallel gave me an unimpressed look. I smirked back. Then Thalia got up.

"I'm sorry, I was just so excited."

"I'm tired."

"I understand... What happened to Zath?"

"Silas, dear Thalia, and I was purified into an Archangel."


"Rose purified me using her newfound goodness magic."

Thalia grabbed me,

"Hey, dear sister. Mind giving your older sister an explanation?"

"Yes, I do mind."

Me and Dallel snickered and Dallel shrugged.

"Let the woman have her coffee and wine, she worked a lot to develop that magic."

"Fine, um Za- I mean Silas, could I have an orange juice."

Then she looked at me.

"Because unlike someone, I only drink at dinner."


"That wasn't a compliment, Rose."

Then Climond came in.

"Hello, Ms. Rose, how are you doing today?"

"Uh... good?"

"Wonderful to hear."

One of the 3 aces leaned over.

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