Chapter 137: Independence- Maximum

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The break was definitely fun, but afterwards we got back to work.

I looked through old documents, but nothing pointed towards anything like my skill. Nor did anything sound similar to whatever thing comes with the knowledge of who reverted my mind.

Then I saw something.

"What's this?"

Michael was the nearest.

"What did you find?"

"A book-"


"Let me finish."


"It's called, Lucifer... like the devil?"

"Probably, but it has nothing to do with your case."

"... is he an administrator?"

"No. It was taken from him."

"Okay... what if he was the one that threatened Haven."

"As much as I would like that to be the case, he is not an administrator, I made sure of it."


I flipped through the book and found something interesting.

"Why Lucifer turned against the Ruler."


"That's a chapter in this book."

Michael came over quickly, it seemed like he wanted to know that too.

"Lucifer was one of the Archangels, in fact, he was thought to be the greatest among them, but one day, Lucifer-"

Authors note: Book, disappear and all memories fade.

Then the book disappeared. It didn't melt, or crumble. It just went poof.

"How did I get over here?"

"Michael? We were just looking at the book."

"Book? If you found a relevant book, I'm pretty sure I'd remember."

"... No, we were reading a book about Lucifer, we were in the middle of the first sentence of a chapter detailing why he abandoned God when it just went poof and now you don't remember."

"Really? That doesn't make sense."

Authors note: Rose Hood, remember it as a joke.

"I'm serious Michael, I think it may have been the same one who reverted my mind previously who did it."

Authors note: What?

"If that's the case, then this certainly isn't good."

"Could it be Lucifer?"

"No, he isn't strong enough, besides, whoever did this is strong enough to scare Luma. Lucifer isn't."

"I see."


"Could it be-"

"No. While he certainly has the capability to do so, the Ruler would have no need to do it. He would simply make it never happen in the first place."

"Then who?"

"Perhaps if we find the traitor, they may know."


Authors note: You shall suspect the Ruler more.

I wasn't entirely sure that Michael was correct.

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