Chapter 80: ꅐꁝꁲꋖ ꒐ꈜ ꁝꁲꉣꉣꑀꃔ꒐ꃔꁅ

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Both me and Amy were asleep through the duel of Celios and Ausar, but, apparently, Celios sacrificed his blade to manage a jab through Ausar's heart, winning the duel.

Celios and I both received advice from Ausar and Amy.

Amy had actually become a bit of a celebrity, being the first human to ever evolve.

People wouldn't leave her alone, and I saw Granny in the area.

Surprisingly, in a day, Amy had started calling her Granny too. Kala found it funny.

"You are an interesting person, Amanda. You sort of remind me of my other granddaughter."

"What is she like?"

Her face scrunched.

"She's the person the gods are training to fight."

"I... see. So, not good?"

"Actually, just Rose is a wonderful person, but I think that this Kala tricked her. There's no way they'd align otherwise."

"I see. Well, if I can help I will."

"Ah, thank you, you are a wonderful person. Feel free to call me 'granny' too, dear."

"Alright, thank you for coming, Granny."

"Of course, I heard of the battle between Celios and a rising star. Given the restraints I think you have a big chance of victory, especially with your fire."

"Actually, I'm planning on going straight martial art against him."

That got Mammon's attention.


"Because his magic is stronger than mine, his is just bound, so it wouldn't be fair if I used the magic."

Mammon and Granny both laughed.

"Goodness, she's like a younger Rose."

"Only you would call fighting a god fair, at all."

"I guess."

I waved and left the guild hall.

Then came the battle between me and Celios.


We both trained for the whole night. Celios was told that if he could win, then he'd be unchained early.

He was prepared for the fight as much as I was.

So, when we walked into the ring, the whole crowd cheered.

'Kala, remember to wait to start magic until he begins using it.'

'Understood, let's do this.'

'And PLEASE do not evolve him.'

Kala snickered as the only reason that Amy was so much trouble was because Kala evolved her.

"Amanda, I don't see you preparing magic."

"I want to face you on equal ground, so if you don't use magic, then I won't."

Celios smiled.

"You are an odd one."

"The finale has finally begun. The Sky god versus the Flaming Blade. WHO WILL WIN!!! They have both gone far, and this is the last battle. Let us see."

"I hope you don't cry after losing."


"I hope you wake up in less than a day this time."

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