Chapter 133: The Rogue Administrator

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"I'm going to Tortura."


"Because I agree with Kalgero, I don't want bloodshed."

"I'll come with her, so don't worry."

"Luma, I hate to say, but it would be a lot better if you didn't show up."


Gabriel left back to handle Earth, and now we were trying to figure out what to do next.

"They would be terrified if you were there. I'll just take Dallel."

"What, so you two can kiss?"

"Thalia... now is not the time for teasing."

"Every time is the time for teasing."

Me and Dallel were blushing.

"Let's just go."

I nodded and me and Dallel walked off.

"No fun."

We walked towards the hub with irritated expressions.

I opened a portal and walked through it with Dallel close behind.

Frall stood at the gate.

"Hello Rose, quite bold of you to come here."

"I want to talk diplomacy."

"Why would anyone want to speak diplomacy with a group that slew two factions before even entering middle class."

"It's not our fault that they attacked us."

"Besides, we gave you a choice."

"Slavery or death, wonderful choice that is."

"It was a contract. Not slavery."

"For dragons there is no difference."

"Still, you made your choice."

"So, can I talk to your leader or not."

"You have no business to do that."

"When your faction declares war on mine entirely unprovoked, that means I do have business thank you very much."

Others froze and looked in shock at Frall who merely looked annoyed.

"You are correct, we are at war, but it wasn't unprovoked."

"How was it?"

"You threatened me."

"You attempted blackmail, and I didn't even threaten you, I just said that blackmail isn't a good look."

"Either way, as we are at war, you are lucky I didn't kill you the moment you entered that portal."

I smiled.

"I think the proper thing is that you're lucky you didn't try."

My declaration caused some to look at me like I was a suicidal idiot, but others who saw me take on the angels understood that as a 399 I may just be able to edge him out.

Frall seemed to understand this as well and sighed.

"I'll contact my leader, if you do anything, you are dead."

"Perfect. I fully understand."

Frall picked up a phone and keeped an eye on us. Most people around us were in a state of shock. Haven prided itself on being impartial, for them to unprovokedly declare war meant that something was wrong.

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