Chapter 10

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"Please tell me you're joking," Felix muttered. He'd be lying to himself if he said he hadn't seen this coming. Late last night, Fior opted to sleep in their guest room. She said it was because her body was sore, and she didn't want to risk sleeping in a bed with someone else. She'd gone through several periods of hiding or wanting to be alone, so Felix didn't think much of it at first. But this time it felt different.

So the news Gracie just delivered had gutted him.

She smiled as sympathetically as she could, "I'm so sorry Felix."

Every inch of Gracie wanted to run away, sitting this close to him felt like a form of self harm.

No one knew she was out with Felix, she'd promised Fior she'd keep this conversation a secret. Of course, it wasn't the secret that had Gracie fidgeting nervously on the park bench. It was the passing ice-cream truck that had stopped too suddenly and honked its horn; it was the birds that began chirping the wrong song; it was all the little things that could set Felix off, and leave Gracie flayed across the ground on such a beautiful day. Still, she had to make good on her promise to Fior.

She'd chosen a very public park as their meeting spot. It was a gamble. The more public the location, the more people there would be to potentially trigger one of Felix's rampages. However, if the location were more private, there would be no one around to stop him, and Gracie would have to bear the entire brunt of his rage.

Either way, no part of her was really safe. So she flipped a coin.

Park bench it was.

"No... it can't be, she's kidding, right... she has to be. Why wouldn't she tell me herself?"

"I'm sorry Felix, I don't think she was joking."

"She has to be..."

Gracie didn't say anything. Gleeful shrieks filled the air as little children ran across the grass. Older kids chased after them. Off the grass and to the side, two team coaches were arguing. Gracie's hands tensed.

Don't set him off.

There was a bluetooth speaker booming obnoxiously not too far away, the bass creating rhythmic, muted thuds. A volleyball was smacked violently above a net, over and over.

Don't set him off.

She saw tears well in Felix's eyes. He leaned over to hug her, his forehead leaning against her shoulder, dampening it.

Don't set him off.

"What am I going to do," he whimpered, his voice breaking. "She's everything to me."

Gracie placed her hand over his head. Carefully, slowly, she stroked his hair.

"It'll be okay, Felix. She's just a little bit scared. But she'll come around."

"Of course she's scared... I've hurt her so much."

"You wouldn't hurt anyone, that's not you Felix."

"But it is me," he sat up suddenly and looked at her. Gracie flinched instinctively, and he laughed dryly. "See? I've hurt her, and you, and everyone else in this town."

"It's the curse, Felix," against her better judgment, Gracie grabbed his hands firmly.

He glanced down at their hands, staring at them for a moment, "Why aren't you scared of me?"

Oh, but she was. Gracie was terrified of him.

"Because I understand you."

Their hands lingered. Felix leaned in for what Gracie presumed was another hug. It wasn't until his eyes centered on hers and he tilted his head, that Gracie realized he was going to kiss her.

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