Chapter 2

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I woke up to something soft sitting on my head. I groaned and pushed off the furry creature that tried to suffocate me.

I rose from my bed and hopped into the shower. Then, I put on my uniform, smoothing it out with my hands. I brushed through the rats nest of my hair and brushed my teeth. I put on my perfume and called it a day.

I walked out of my room and shuffled down the hall, making my way to the kitchen. I poured cat food into a bowl and placed it on the floor, petting Mochi. She purred against my hand, munching on her food.

I heard shuffling down the hall as I turned on the coffee machine. He must be awake. I pulled out the toaster and placed some toast in the slots.

I packed myself some lunch as well as some lunch for my father. The toast pops up as I make 2 cups of coffee. I place the toast on a plate. I put butter on the toast as my dad comes shuffling down the hallway in his hero attire.

"Thanks." He yawns as I hand him his coffee and buttered toast. I ate the other piece of toast, nodding at him in acknowledgment.

"I'm gonna head to school. Cya." I grabbed my things and walked out of the house.

I bumped into my neighbor on the way to the elevator. She waved to me as we both stepped into the elevator.

"I can't believe we're both going to U.A.!" She pressed the button with a one on it.

"Yeah." I gave her a soft smile. Maho has always been there for me. She's the sweetest person I have ever met. I know it was really hard on her when her brother died. Under all her smiling and laughs, her heart aches. I can tell because I can hear it.

She carried the conversation as we stepped out of the elevator and headed outside the lobby.

I gave short responses as we neared her bike. "Do you want a ride?" She asked. She asks every day, but I have yet to say yes. Maybe I will. Just for today.

"You're not going to give up until I say yes, are you?" I sigh, leaning against the wall to our building.

"Nope! She sends a toothy grin my way. I can't help but smile back at her. Her smiles are contagious.

"Fine." I sigh. She makes room on her bike, and I get on the back. She takes off, and I hold onto her tightly.

We pass by a bunch of people. I will admit this is faster than walking. I've never said yes to this because I was honestly scared. I still am. I don't know how she's able to do this. I never learned how to ride a bike because I locked myself in the apartment. Where there were people, there was noise. Lots of it.

We finally arrived at school, and I hopped off her bike. She put her bike up, and we walked into school together. Her long blue hair was put up in two braids.

We said our goodbyes as we headed down our different hallways. She was in the business course. I knew the school well because of how many times I've been here.

I stood at the door to my classroom. Class 1A. I took a deep breath, and I opened the door. A blonde guy has his feet up on a desk, and a blue haired boy with glasses was yelling at him.

A headache was forming as I rubbed my forehead. Great, of course I have annoying loud people in my class. I hope this school burns to the ground.

"Ka- Kacchan!?" I heard a male voice say behind me. Not a deep masculine voice but still a voice of a guy.

The blue haired boy stopped arguing with the blonde and walked over to the greenhaired boy behind me. I took a seat behind the blonde guy and laid my head on my desk. I turned my music up to block out everyone's voices.

I looked up after a while to see everyone was in a seat, and the teacher was yapping away about who knows what. Wait... dad!? Honestly, I should've seen this coming. I turned my music down as people started to stand up.

I stood up and walked over to my dad, grabbing one of the gym uniforms he was holding. He nodded at me, and I internally groaned.

I followed the group of girls in front of me to the locker room. I went to the back corner of the locker room and changed quickly. Then, I followed the group of girls to the field. My dad explained that we were doing a quirk assessment test thingy. I wasn't really paying attention.

The blonde guy from before steps up, and my dad tosses him a ball. He used his quirk as he threw the ball, making a beautiful explosion.

"705.2 meters." My dad- I mean, Aizawa sensei states. Explosion boy had a smirk on his face as he walked back to the group. A spiky haired redhead fist bumped the blonde.

My favorite song started to play as we did our first test. I played the song on repeat until our last test. I did my ball throw quickly. There was nothing note worthy about it. I got 75 meters. In my defense, I don't have a strength quirk.

I did average overall in the assessment. Èverything was going by smoothly when the blonde from earlier started shouting at the green haired kid. Mr. Aizawa held the blonde boy back with his scarf.

I let out a sigh as Mr. Aizawa let him go. After that, we all headed back to the locker rooms and changed.

We headed back to the classroom and continued with the day. The day passed by fast. I successfully avoided people and haven't spoken to any of my classmates. That was until a pink haired girl approached me during lunch.

"Hi! I'm Mina Ashido, but you can call me Mina!" She smiles brightly. She reminds me of Maho, except pink.

"I'm Izumi." I bow my head respectfully. She seemed nice. I was waiting for Maho, but it wouldn't hurt to chat for a little bit.

"Do you want to come eat with me and my friends?" Mina asks. I was about to answer her when I saw Maho get pulled into a seat at a different table. Guess she already made new friends.

"Sure." I sighed. She grabbed my arm and pulled me over to a table with a group of people.

"That's Bakugou." She pointed at the blonde. So Bakugou, huh?

"I'm Ejiro Kirishima!" The spiky haired redhead from before introduced himself.

"Denki Kaminari!" The other blonde winked at me.

"Hanta Sero!" He shook my hand. His grip was strong.

"Izumi Aizawa." I bowed. I sighed as everyone gasped. This group of kids might kill me.

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