Chapter 11

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I sat down at my desk after helping my dad to his.

"Good morning, class." Mr. Aizawa sighed.

"Wow... he's back already? What a pro..." Denki mumbled.

"Mr. Aizawa! I'm glad that you're ok!" Ida shouted out.

"You call that..m ok?" Uraraka mumbled to herself.

"My well-being is irrelevant. What's more important is that your fight isn't over yet." Mr. Aizawa said. Everyone looked at him, confused.

A few people mumbled to themselves. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to hear everything...

"The U.A. sports festival is about to start." Mr. Aizawa said in a serious tone.

"Yes!" Kirishima cheered. No!

"Ugh! Why would you scare us like that!?" Everyone shouted out in unison. I sighed. Would I even be allowed to attend?

Everyone cheered about the sports festival, making me groan.

"Wait a second." Denki interrupted everyone's cheers.

"Is it really such a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?" Jirou asked. Finally, someone is using their brain.

"They could attack us while we're all in the same place." Ojiro added.

"Apparently, the administration thinks this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and our school is safer than ever. Plus, they're beefing up security compared to past years. This event is an opportunity for all students at U.A. it's not something we can just cancel because of a few villains." Mr. Aizawa explained. I laid my head down on my desk. Well, I guess I'll just have to suck it up.

Mineta said something stupid, and Mr. Aizawa had to explain why the sports festival was so important. Everyone adding in their own comments.

Everyone started putting on determined faces. Ah shit.

"Class is dismissed." Mr. Aizawa said.

After the last bell went off, it was finally time for lunch.

"Those villains sucked, sure. But I'm pumped for these games!" Kirishima shouted excitedly.

Everyone got into groups, talking about the sports festival. I yawned and stood up, stretching.

"Everyone, I'm gonna do my best!" Uraraka suddenly shouted. I held  my chest with my hand. Geez, that scared that crap out of me.

I tuned my earpieces to match how my other ones were before. I'm wearing my backup ones because some kids in the support course are making me new ones.

I walked with Mina to the cafeteria. She was actually surprisingly quiet.

"Mina... are you ok?" I asked.

"I should be asking you that..." Mina sighed. Was she... worried... about me?

"I alright. Sorry I never answered your texts. I was just so worried  about my dad... I know that's not an excuse, though!" I stopped walking.

She hugged me out of nowhere. I hugged her back. I patted her back as she talked.

"Don't scare us like that. Everyone was really worried about you."

"I'm sorry." I sighed.

She pulled away and dragged me all the way to the cafeteria. She sat down next to Kirishima, listening to him rant about the sports festival.

Everyone was so excited for the dumb festival. Even Bakugo was excited. I could tell by how the ends of his mouth tugged up every now and then.

In exactly two weeks, the festival will start. I hope these two weeks don't go by fast. I am so not ready.

After the last bell rang and everyone packed, a crowd had formed outside of the classroom door.

"They're scouting out the competition, idiots." Bakugo spoke up, breaking my trance. Did I zone out?

Bakugo walked toward the crowd, "we're the class that survived a real villain attack."

Bakugo started talking smack to the crowd. We're doomed.

"Cut it out!" I grabbed Bakuo's arm. He was starting to get on my nerves. If he's going to shit talk the competition, I want in on it!

"So this is class 1A?" A voice spoke up from the crowd.

"I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass. Is everyone in the hero course delusional, or is it just you?" A purple haired boy stepped out from the crowd. Bakugo glared at the boy.

The boy started talking shit back. It was kinds funny seeing the shocked looks on the faces of my classmates.

Another guy stepped out from the crowd and started spouting bullshit. Ok, this was starting to get boring. I giggled when Bakugo started walking away while the guy was still talking.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" The guy shouted at Bakugo. I couldn't help but bust out laughing. This reminded me of a funny movie I watched with my dad.

"Are you laughing at me!?" The guy turned his head toward me.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I tried to catch my breath.

"Izumi! You're making them hate us even more!" Kirishima complained.

"Why do you care about what they think?" I turned my head to look back at him.

"Well, I-"

"In the end, they don't really matter. As long as you beat them. I mean, there is a reason why we're in here and everyone else is out there." I turned back to the crowd.

"Remember my face. Because my face will be that last thing you see before I beat you." I smirked before walking off.

I caught up to Bakugo, "did you hear me?"

"Yeah, but you got one thing wrong. They'll all be looking at me." He said confidently.

I rolled my eyes, "Sure they will."

We parted ways after a while. I wasn't going home alone today. I'm going home with my dad!

I was about to open the door to the teacher's lounge when I heard talking. I stopped to listen.

"Is Izumi going to participate in the sports festival?" I heard Ms. Midnight ask.

"I don't see why not." My dad said.

"She looks more and more like Niri every day." Uncle Mic said. Why were they talking about mom?

"She has her mother's quirk." All Might stated.

"I thought she only had the hearing part." Uncle Mic said.

"She manifested the rest during the U.S.J. attack." All Might explained. The rest?

"Are you going to help her use it?" Ms. Midnight asked.

"It wouldn't be right not to." My dad sighed.

"Sometimes it's so hard to face her because she looks so much like Niri. I feel bad about it, but sometimes I come home later on purpose. Just so I don't have to see her. Just so I don't confuse her with Niri." My dad said.

I felt tears go down my cheeks. He'd rather miss movie night than hang out with me? He did it on purpose?

I slowly started to back away. No. No. This can't be right. Why? Why would he do this to me.

I ran out of the building. I didn't care about a destination. I just needed to get away. Far away from everybody.

How could he do this...

To his little girl...

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