Chapter 8

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After grabbing my lunch, I sat at my usual table along with the rest of the Bakusquad.

Everyone chatted as I ate. Suddenly, red lights started flickering, and an announcement blared through the speakers.

Everything went so fast. Everything was so loud. I got caught in the crowd. I got slammed into a wall, people pushing into me. Suddenly, a person got pushed into me, making me gasp.

I looked up to see Bakugo, towering over me. "Get the hell off of me!" I tried to push him away.

"I can't dumbass!" He got pushed harder, trapping me in his arms.

I hate this. I hate this so much. Tears formed in my eyes as my face got buried in his chest. All I could hear was my heartbeat.

Finally, the pain was over, and Bakugou backed away from me. I rushed to the bathroom.

I splashed some water on my face and leaned against a wall for a while. I sighed and recollected myself before going back to lunch.

The rest of the day went by smoothly, and I walled home with Maho. She looked tired but I didn't say anything. Maybe she was just having a rough day.

The next day, when I got to school, there weren't any reporters. Phew.

I walked into class and sat in my seat. Once everyone got to class, Midoriya and Yayarozu stood at the front of the class.

"So um... I would like to step down from being class president... I think there is another far better choice. And I think all of you will agree with me... Ida! I think you should be president." Midoriya said, everyone erupted in cheers.

Ida stood up and took Midoriya's place in the front of the classroom. Midoriya sat back down in his seat.

Kirishima started talking about a stop sign??? When did this happen? I really need to start paying attention to things.

Lunch finally arrives after class was finally done, and of course, I sat down with the rest of the Bakusquad. Mina sat between Kirishima and I. Bakugou sat next to me.

I was still mad about yesterday, but he was right. He couldn't move. I'm claustrophobic, and I got elbowed. That hurt like a bitch.

I felt my phone vibrate, and it was from Mina. I looked at our texts, and a photo popped up. I immediately turned my phone off. It was a photo of Bakugo pinning me to a wall, and I was gripping onto his shirt. How did she get that!? I didn't even see her...

I glared at her, making her laugh. She's laughing now, but I'll get her back for this.

After lunch, we headed back to class and sat down. Mr. Aizawa explained what we were doing.

"We are going to hop on a bus and go further out on campus to train a coop facility. You have the choice to wear your gym uniform or your hero attire." Mr. Aizawa explained.

Obviously, everyone chose their hero costumes because we're children. Midoriya was the only one not wearing his hero get up because U.A. has yet to make him a new one.

"Please, everyone board the bus in a single file line!" Ida blew a whistle. Of course we did the exact opposite.

I stepped onto the bus. There weren't many spots on the bus left. Mina was sitting next to Kirishima. The only spots left were next to Bakugo and Mineta.

I sat next to Bakugo. There was no way I was sitting next to that perverted bastard. The bus started driving off, and I sighed.

The bus ride was long, and I spent most of it looking out the window while Bakugo moved a lot in his seat. He really is loud.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on the window. The lack of sleep I've had this past week was finally catching up to me. I woke up to Bakugo shaking me awake.

"Ok. Ok! I'm awake!" I said, making him stop. I sighed and stood up, stretching.

We made our way off of the bus. I caught up with Mina and walked into the building with her. Midoriya gasped, seeing the pro hero Thirteen.

He started fingerling, making me let out a small laugh. He was so adorable sometimes. And I get it. Thirteen is so cool. I love her.

"Shut up. Damn nerd." Bakugo said rudely. Midoriya shut his mouth.

"That was mean." I elbowed him.

"Shut up." He grumbled, shoving me. I bumped into Mina, making her fall into Kirishima. Oops.

Thirteen started talking, but all I could focus on was a purple portal forming behind her.

Mr. Aizawa noticed and watched people come out of it. Villains.

"Get behind me!" My dad yelled, standing next to Thirteen.

"Dad! Please don't! There's too many!" I ran over to him, grabbing his arm.

He turned around and kissed my forehead, "I'll be alright. Don't worry about me, kiddo." He turned back around and ran toward the villains. I know he's strong, but I can't help but worry for him.

"Kids! Follow me!" Thirteen started running to the exit, us following her. That's when a shadow guy appeared.

"Sorry. But I can't let you get help from other heroes." The shadow portal guy said, blocking the exit.

"Kids, stay behind me!" Thriteen shouted, but of course Bakugo didn't listen. Nor did Kirishima.

"No!" Thirteen shouted, but it was too late. Bakugo and Kirishima had already jumped up and tried to punch the guy.

That's when everyone got surrounded by darkness. Before I could react, I fell into a body of water. Water entered my mouth and flooded my lungs. A sharp pain ran through my ears.

Tears welled up in my eyes. My earpieces fell out of my ears and drifted away. I didn't think I would go out this way.

Dad... I love you. I'll finally get to see mama. Goodbye.

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