Chapter 37

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"Dorms?" I asked my father. I was bed rotting, scrolling through the class group chat when he burst through my door.

"Yeah. So say goodbye to your dear cat." He said as Mochi woke up from her nap. I gasped and held my best friend tightly.

"She's a registered service animal! Let me take her, please!" I begged my father, getting on my knees. He rolled his eyes.

"Izumi..." he sighed. I stood my ground uh- sat on the ground? I've been doing since I was a kid.

"Ugh. Fine. I guess I could talk to the principal..." he sighed. I jumped up in joy. I placed Mochi down and hugged my father.

"Thank you!" I kissed his cheek. He patted my back.

"You're leaving me alone, huh?" He said as I flopped back on my bed. I giggled.

"You'll be fine." I waved my hand dismissively. He rolled his eyes and closed my door, walking down the hallway. I yawned, scrolling through instagram. I guess I have to start packing soon.


"Give everything that has happened, I'm glad that we were able to bring class A back together." My father said as we all stood in our uniforms outside of the new dormitory building. Everyone conversed as I stared at the brick building.

"Enjoy your new home." My father ended his speech that I was totally paying attention to. Bakugo handed Kirishima some money and made Denki dumb by using up his quirk, causing everyone to laugh. I watched him as he walked away, smiling softly. He was sweet in his own way.

While everyone explored the building, I headed to the special room I picked out. My father let me in the day before to let me explore and pick out my room.


"Bakugo, how's the room coming along?" I asked, knocking on his door. He opened it with a scowl on his face. Damn.

"Why the hell do you care?" He asked. I didn't answer and shoved past him. It spelt surprisingly very nice and clean. It was simple but dramatic all at once. I also didn't miss the manga and the video game collections in the corner.

"Wow! This place is so cool!" I sat on his bed, feeling his sheets. He glared at me.

"Get the hell out of my room!" He yelled stomping over to me. I yelped as he picked me up, kicking me out of his room. I pouted as he gave me one last glance before slamming the door in my face. I flipped his door off before walking back to my dorm.

"Izumi!" Mina and our other classmates running over to me. I squealed, falling down to the ground. I covered my head, praying that I don't die. My heart pounded against my chest harshly.

"Can we see your room?" They all asked at the same time.

"U-uhh... sure?" I gulped, standing back up, trying to hide my shaking hands. I never thought so many people running at me would scare me so bad. The more you know, I guess.

I opened my door revealing my room. I had a plain twin sized bed against the wall with plain black sheets and a giant red blanket over top. On the bed sat a singular pig stuffed animal. I had a desk and a bookshelf opposite of my bed. The desk had a computer and pencils. The bookshelf had all of my books from home that I haven't read yet and a bunch of manga. I had red curtains that lined up against the window perfectly. On the floor was a black carpet. I had my dresser next to my desk with jewelry and other little trinkets on top. There was also LED lights lined up on the walls of my room.

"Meow?" Mochi crawled out of the black and red cat tower that was right next to my bed.

"You have a cat!?" Everyone asked. I nodded as they noticed the bright red vest sitting on my dresser.

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