chapter 10

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My eyes snapped open, which wasn't good because they hadn't adjusted to the light. I sat up quickly, holding my head. I had the biggest headache.

I looked around the white room. Was I in a hospital?

"Izumi!" Maho shouted and hugged me. When did she get here?

"Where's my dad? Is he ok!? Dad!" I got out of the hospital bed.

Maho tried to stop me, but I pushed past her and limped down the hallway. My leg started to hurt, but I looked for my our last name.

I opened a door that said Aizawa and walked through it. There sat my dad, wrapped up like a mummy.

"Dad!" I called out, gaining the attention of Uncle Mic.

"Kid." Uncle Mic rushed over to me. I tried to push past him to my dad, but he was too strong.

"Izumi. You have to calm down." He started to stroke my hair.

"Calm down!? How am I supposed to calm down when my dad-" I glanced at him.

I didn't know I started crying until Uncle Mic started wiping my tears away. That's when I broke down in his arms.

He held me tightly as I brought him to the ground. He rubbed my back with one hand and stroked my hair with the other. My hands gripped his shirt as I buried my face in his chest.

Maho entered the room and joined the hug. "He's going to be ok. It's going to be ok." She whispered.

Nurses had to come and drag me out of the room because I didn't want to leave. Maho hugged me as I cried.

A few hours later, I fell asleep again, not touching my dinner. Crying was very exhausting.

After I woke up the next day, I was discharged from the hospital. They gave me painkillers and Ms. Midnight drove me home.

"Do you need me to stay with you?" She asked. I shook my head no.

"I'm ok. I know you're busy." I said. She smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Call or text me if you need anything. I'm always here for you." She waved bye. I waved back and then shut the door.

I walked past Mochi, going down the hall. I walked into my dad's room and flopped onto his bed.

I cuddled up in the blankets, tearing up again. I took in his scent as I heard the soft footsteps of my cat.

She jumped onto the bed and crawled over to me, purring. She nuzzle her head against mine.

"Meow?" I looked up at her. Her grey eyes stared back at mine. I pulled her close and cried with her in my arms.

For hours, she stayed with me. Never protesting. Never moving. Never making a sound. Eventually, I stopped crying and carried her out to the kitchen.

She ate her food, and I made myself some ramen. I ate my ramen on the couch and turned on the TV.

I soon turned it off. Nothing good was on. I looked at my phone. I have lots of unread texts, but I didn't feel like looking at them.

I got up and walked to my room, grabbing a change of clothes.

I stepped into the bathroom and stripped my clothes off. I took my bandages off. I had stitches across my thigh.

I stared at myself in the mirror. I was a mess. My eyes were red and puffy. I had a knot in the back of my head. My skin was as white as snow. I looked sick.

I stepped into the shower and washed my body off. I scrubbed at my skin roughly.

After my shower, I laid in my bed. For the rest of the day, I scrolled through my phone. Eventually, I was able to fall asleep.

I woke up to my door being flung open. I opened my eyes to see Ms. Midnight.

"Come on, sweetheart! You still have school." She walked over to me. I groaned.

"I know." She grabbed my uniform and laid it on my bed.

She walked out of my room, closing the door. I sighed and got out of bed. I changed into my uniform and headed to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and hair. I yawned and washed my face. I still looked like a mess, but at least I tried.

I walked down the hall to see Ms. Midnight, All Might, Uncle Mic, and...

"Dad!" I smiled, running over to him. I stopped in front of him. Was I allowed to hug him?

He still looked like a mummy. He smiled with his eyes and opened his arms. I hugged him carefully. I didn't want to hurt him.

"I missed you... dummy..." I sniffled, trying not to cry again.

"I missed you too." His voice was slightly muffled, but it was still there. He was still here.

After a quick breakfast, we all got into All Might's car. Once he parked, we all got out.

I helped my dad inside the building. I helped him walk all the way to the classroom. I even opened the door for him.

He walked inside first by himself.

"Mr. Aizawa!?" Everyone shouted, confused.

I walked in after him.

"Izumi!" Everyone shouted happily. I couldn't help but smile.

My dad was still here. My friends were still here. I was still here.

I was so happy.

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