Chapter 33

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(Omg... there's so many of you. Thank you so much for 5k reads! You all are so sweet. Thank you for reading! Enjoy <33)

"I took the lad you're talking about with my magic." A man spoke up, "a talent like his would be squandered were he cast as a hero. We will provide him with a grander stage where he can truly shine."

"Give him back!" Midoriya shouted. My heart pounded against my chest as the man tossed a marble up and down. Was that his quirk? He's smart for taking the high ground. I'll give him that.

"Give him back? What an odd thing to say. Bakugo doesn't belong to anyone. He's his own person. Don't be so arrogant." The villain said.

"If he doesn't belong to anyone... who gives you the right to take him?" I mumbled. Tsu glanced over at me before glancing back at Midoriya as he shouted at the villain. I closed my eyes. I have to remember what I learned. I need to predict an attack. I took a deep breath and listened closely. We're missing a person.

"We'll stop you!" Midoriya yelled. Todoroki moved slightly. My eyes shot open.

"Right now!" Todoroki sent an ice wave at the villain. Shit.

"Ummm guys?" I tried to get their attention.

"Why the aggression?" The villain asked a she flew through the air. Think Izumi... think! What would dad do?

"We merely wish to show him that there are options besides the fanatical world of heroism he's drowning in. It's important to choose a path that aligns with your core values, after all." The villain landed on the tree tops.

"Tokoyami is gone!" I shouted. Everyone turned to me and gasped. Why do I have to shout for me to be heard!?

"Hmm... quite the temper. There's always more room for more villains." The villain hummed. I glared at the man with the mask on his face.

"Beautiful." I could hear the smirk in his voice as he spoke. I hope he falls off that tree. I took a step forward but immediately fell to my knees. My whole body ached.

"Izumi!" Ochaco and Tsu rushed to my sides. Theor voices drowned out as my vision became blurry. I had this growing feeling that we won't be winning this fight. That feeling makes me so... scared. It's cold. So cold...

"Hey... Izumi?" A familiar voice spoke up. I couldn't open my eyes or my mouth. This reminded me of another time...

"Izumi. We hope you're doing all right. We heard what you did for Tsu and Uraraka. Even Midoriya." A male voice spoke up. Denki?

"Yeah." A person sniffled, "it was so manly!"

"Aizawa. We hope you wake up soon. Don't worry about Bakugo. The heroes are looking for him." Another voice said.

"Bye, girly. Stay safe." Mina said. J heard receding footsteps and a door close. Then I heard more receding footsteps. Actually, I heard lots of footsteps. Everywhere. I don't know how long I spent listening to the world around my but i coukdnt find the nergy to open my eyes or move. Beeping, birds, talking. Talking- well, more like hushed voices. Why are they talking right outside my door?

My eyes fluttered open, squinting. My eyes were trying to adjust to the light difference. Everything felt like a dream. Am I in a hospital? What happened? I'm supposed to be at camp. I sat up quickly, looking around the room. My eyes landed on the window. The sky was so dark compared to the room. I discarded my blanket to the side. I ripped the iv cord out of my forearm.

I rushed out of my room and headed down the hall. I pushed past people as I searched for the name I was looking for on the name plates. I stopped when a familiar green haired boy walked out of the room in front of me. We locked eyes and stared at each other silently. He was fully dressed.

"A-Aizawa! You're awake!" He hugged me. I hugged him back but quickly pulled away.

"Where is Bakugo!? Is he alright? Is he throwing a fit?" I asked question after question.

"Aizawa..." he pulled me into a tight hug, "I'm sorry."

"W-why.... where is he?" I teared up. He didn't answer me, but deep down, I knew what he meant. I hugged him back, burying my face in his shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." he repeated over and over again. I don't know why, but... it felt like I was comforting him more than he was comforting me. After a while, we finally pulled away.

"Are you getting discharged?" I asked. He nodded. I eyed him suspiciously.


"You've got that look in your eyes." I said.

"What look?" He looked at me confused.

"You are going to do something dangerous... aren't you?" I pressed my cold fingers against my eyes to stop some swelling.

"What!? No... totally not." He avoided eye contact with me. I sighed.

"First of all, you suck at lying. Second, I'm a human lie detector." I crossed my arms, "So tell me the truth." He sighed.

"Well..." he explained how he was going to meet up with some of our classmates to save Bakugo.

"Let me join you." I said.

"What!? No! I'm not putting more people in danger." He said.

"I want to help! I can help!" I said.

"No, you can't! You just woke up-"

"Let me be useful!" I shouted. He stared at me. I clenched my fists as I spoke.

"Let me be useful... for once. I just want to help. I couldn't do it before, but... I can now. Please... I'm hurting, too. I want to save him, too." I stared at my feet. Suddenly, I felt a hand pat my head. I glanced up and saw him with a pained look on his face. As if he could understand my pain. My feelings.

"Okay... if you can get the hospital's permission.."

"Midoriya. You don't ask for permission. You ask for forgiveness." I smirked. He sighed.

"Just... hurry up and get dressed. We need to act quickly." He said. I nodded, and we headed back to my hospital room. He sat on a chair, and I pulled the curtain close.

"How is Kota?" I asked as I slid the hospital gown off my body.

"He's doing okay. He left you a letter but Mr. Aizawa had that." The greenhaired boy explained. I nodded but mentally face palmed because he couldn't see me.

"Okay..." I said, putting my clothes on. Short and a white tanktop with a basic flannel. I feel like Midnight had a bit of influence on this outfit. I sighed and put on my socks. I opened the curtain and he passed me my shoes. I put them on.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded.


Let's go save Bakugo.

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