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- Small A/N: Y'all I promise the image isn't a spoiler (I think) I just don't have many other pics rn <\3
*Again, if you don't see it sadly, it's the untrained card for Rui's 3 star from the Emu arc ender event "Our Happy Ending" where he looks kinda sad/troubled ^_^"*

Also sorry for inactivity, I just haven't had much motivation and dealt with writer's block :')

Last night was.. something else for sure. Not in a bad way, you were just unable to believe that what happened was real.

Let alone when you realized Rui actually kissed your forehead.

It wasn't like he kissed you on the lips though.

But it still felt all the more.. nice.


You reach out for the thermometer laying on your night stand and proceed to take your temperature. The thermometer read "99.8 degrees fahrenheit".

"My temperature didn't drop as much as I wanted." You murmur, sighing heavily. You place the thermometer back on your night stand.

Before you knew it, you felt your mind remembering last night. Your cheeks flush up a little. "He.. actually kissed my forehead." You murmur.

Falling silent, you feel your cheeks become hotter. "He kissed my forehead, oh my god."

After a few moments recomposing yourself, you let out a soft sigh. "It's fine... I'm fine.. I wanna think he meant something from it... b- but I just—"

Then a certain somebody barged open your door. "[Y/N]?! Oh! You're awake!" Tsukasa says with a smile.

Your face becomes more red. "Y- Yeah, I am."

Tsukasa looked at you confused, making you freeze up. Oh lord. He definitely knows something is up. You grow anxious, worrying that Tsukasa is gonna comment on your expression and such.

"Are you okay? You look.. strangely flustered!" Tsukasa pointed it out. So much for hoping he wouldn't.

"A-Ah!" You stammer. "Yes! I am fine.. Okay? Just.. tired and still have a small fever."

Tsukasa seems skeptical. "I mean.. if you say so! If you need anything though you can tell me!" He said with a bright smile. You nod.


Tsukasa places his hands on his hips. "Mhm! Anyway, I have breakfast ready! You can come get some!" He says, walking off. You nod.

"Okay..!" You reply, letting out a few deep breaths. All you could think about is how you were meant to face Rui after last night? I mean, he kissed your forehead, thinking you were asleep.

You just decided to do it anyway. You needed to eat regardless...

You adjusted and brushed your hair a little before going to the kitchen. You notice Tsukasa preparing a plate for you. While you wait, you awkwardly side-eye Rui. Anytime you'd catch him looking, you'd immediately divert your eyes away.

Tsukasa eventually handed you your food with a bright, shining smile. "Here ya go!" You flinch slightly, snapping out of your trance.

"R- Right! Thank you." You stammer slightly, going to the table and sitting down at the end, attempting to somewhat distance yourself; just wanting to eat and then leave. You felt your heart pound in your chest as you ate slowly, thinking about last night still.

The whole time you felt Rui's worried eyes on you.

It was roughly around 13:00, and Tsukasa and his troupe were gone. Same with Saki. They were all doing practice or rehearsal, but Tsukasa and his group actually had a show today. So they left a little earlier.

You were expecting Tsukasa to bring his troupe over again since about an hour ago, he sent you a text saying they were gonna stay again. You didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Everytime you think about Tsukasa and his troupe, you only think of Rui. Let alone the fact he kissed your forehead last night. You weren't gonna lie, whenever you think of that kiss— It just makes you wanna confess at this point.. but what if it was just a friendly kiss? He didn't kiss your lips or anything.

Yeah. Maybe that's it..


Eventually many hours pass and Tsukasa came home. With his friends again. You kind of wondered if the Emu girl was just doing these sleepovers at your place to torture you.

You eventually found yourself checking your temperature again a few hours later, and seeing it read basically the normal body temperature someone should have— 98.7 degrees fahrenheit.

"Oh thank fucking God dude..." You murmur under your lips.

Once you kind of realized you didn't have a use to keeping the thermometer in your room, you decided to put it back in its place; in the kitchen.

As you were walking there you kind of happened to overhear a conversation somewhat between Nene and Rui in the living room. Were they waiting on Emu and Tsukasa for something?

You knew eavesdropping was bad, but you wanted to listen in a little as you put the thermometer away. If it got too personal, you decided you would just leave.

"Rui.. I've been meaning to ask you something." Nene says. Rui turned to Nene.

"Hm? What is it, Nene?"

Nene pauses, turning her head away. "I don't know, you just.." She froze again, looking back at Rui.

"You've been acting weird all day but you seemed somewhat fine at least last night. Did something happen in the middle of the night or something?" Nene asked. "Plus you seemed off during our show. Sure, you performed well but I could tell it wasn't like your usual self."



Rui pauses, his cheeks flushing somewhat. "Ah.. is that so?" He asks. "It's... well... I think I may have.. messed up."

Nene looks perplexed. "Oh dear," she pauses, "how so..?"

"Uhm... I won't explain some things since they may not want me to tell you a lot, but basically I kind of.. seen [Y/N] last night and... erm.." Rui paused, seeming genuinely nervous.

"And what?" Nene asks.

Rui sighs. "They were trying to get some melatonin to help themselves sleep, but they were apparently dizzy so I helped them to their room and er..."

"I don't know why I even did it... However, while I thought they were asleep... I kind of.. kissed their forehead?" Rui admits nervously. "I kind of realized this morning they may have noticed it though because they kept looking at me awkwardly and I've never felt so embarrassed, oh my goodness."

Nene seems surprised, a little wide-eyed. "Please tell me you're joking."

Rui shook his head sheepishly. "Ah-hahah.. no... Sadly. I think they might hate me or something."

Nene gives Rui this somewhat offended stare. "Rui. I hate to tell you, but [Y/N]'s a little.. obvious."

"What..?" Rui looked at Nene confused.

Nene's face goes red realizing what she said. "Uhm.." She sighs.

"They don't hate you Rui. I'm surprised you're oblivious to how obvious they are." Nene says. You feel your face grow unbearably warm.

"Knowing you, I thought you would have figured out that they're obviously into you."

Rui's face is red. "Ah... W- Wait— How do you even know that for sure though?"

You felt too embarrassed to continue listening, so you decided to sneak back to your room quietly. Once you made it back, you shut your bedroom door and locked it. You slowly slid down onto the floor with your knees pressed against your chest almost.

"Shit dude.." You murmur, burying your face into your hands.

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