Chapter 1 : A New World

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It was currently nighttime and Ren was sitting in a dark alleyway as he was considering his next move.

( It's been 3 days since I've been sent to this world. A lot of people here seem to have some type of superpowers and are using it to fight crimes. I also noticed some people had strange appearances such as a police officer that looked like a cat, or a guy that had a shark for a head. I have no place to stay in but I was lucky enough that some nice people here felt pity for me and gave some food and a blanket. ) Ren thought to himself before he lets out a small sigh.

( I seem to be in Japan. Or at least, an alternate version of Japan. Do people with superpowers only exists in this Japan or is this more common than I thought. ) Ren thought as he held his chin.

( I can only speak and read a little bit of Japanese thanks to some lessons from Gwen. Unless... ) Ren then brought the Omnitrix closer to his face.

"Omnitrix, activate Voice Command!" Ken said before the core of the Omnitrix started glowing.

"Access granted. The Voice Command is now activated." The Omnitrix said in a male robotic voice.

"Omnitrix, activate the Universal Translator function." Ren said as the Omnitrix's core glowed even brighter.

"Access granted. Activating the Universal Translator function." The Omnitrix said.

( Alright, let's see if this worked. ) Ren thought before getting out of the alleyway and into the streets. He then sees an old lady who was sitting on a bench, seemingly waiting for a bus.

"Excuse me ma'am, but do you know where the closest restaurant is?" Ren asked the old lady politely.

"The closest restaurant is 2 blocks away, young man. You should be able to find it if you stayed in a straight line." The old lady answered while pointing in a certain direction.

( Awesome! I can understand her perfectly! ) Ren thought as he was happy that his idea worked.

"Thank you so much!" Ren said with a smile before he noticed that she had some bags of groceries with her.

"If I may ask, are you heading home ma'am?" Ren asked.

"Yes, I am. Unfortunately, it seems like the bus that I usually use is not coming tonight." The old lady replied.

"I see. Then... Do you mind if I helped you with the groceries?" Ren asked as the old lady seemed surprised.

"Are you sure? I don't want to burden you." The old lady said.

"It's fine. Think of it as me thanking you for giving me directions." Ren said with a smile before he held the groceries bags. "Let's go." The old lady remained quiet for a second before she smiled warmly and nodded her head.

Ren and the old lady, whose name turned out to be Emiri Asumi, spent some time talking as they made their way to Asumi's house. Once they reached it, Devin took in the sight of a real Japanese house for what was probably the first time. It was a house with a traditional design to it.

"Thank you again for your help, Tennyson-san." Asumi said with a big smile that was filled with warmth.

"No problem, Ms. Asumi." Ren said politely. Despite not knowing much about the Japanese culture, he at least knows that Japanese people call each other by their surnames as a sign of respect.

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