Chapter 5 : Negotiations and an Offer

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Tsukauchi and All Might had heard a lot of strange, outlandish and farfetched claims, stories and beliefs many times in the past. However, it was the story of Ren Tennyson, a Vigilante who was seemingly both existent and non-existent at the same time, that was quite perplexing and unbelievable even for a bunch of open-minded fellows like them to swallow.

"This is quite a lot to take in." All-Might sighed after remaining speechless for a few seconds.

"I agree, that is definitely one of the weirdest and outlandish claims I've seen people make." Tsukauchi said sceptically.

"I know it sounds crazy and unreal, but everything I just told you was the truth." Ren said with a serious look on his face.

"But I still can't say I'm convinced. What can you have to fully prove that you are from...another universe?" All Might asked with a brow raised.

"Well I mean..." Ren tried to explain, wanting to attempt to not resort to using the Omnitrix. "... How else do you explain me having no records or birth certificate? My ID card being from the 21st Century as well as being issued by a Post Office that has no recollection of such here, not to looks authentic and not a can someone erase their presence so much that they legally don't exist in this day and age...?" Ren asked.

"But you still have this ID, which claims you were born in 1994 and was issued to you by a Post Office who as you just said has no recollection of ever doing so." Tsukauchi objected. "Had you no form of identification on you, I'd be more inclined to believe your story, but you do, which leaves holes in your story and makes it sound more like you somehow paid someone off to erase all of your records and identification."

"D-Do I look like the kind of guy who can afford to have all of his personal information and records removed from government databases?" Ren argued. "I was barely able to afford breakfast this morning."

"You don't look like the kind of guy who can turn into monsters either yet you have turned into two monsters since you got here." All Might countered.

"Come on, don't make me do this..." Ren muttered with a sigh.

"Are you threatening us?" Tsukauchi asked, narrowing his eyebrows.

"No! No, it's not that!" Ken exclaimed.

"So what is it then?" All Might asked, becoming impatient.

Ren let out a deep sigh before speaking up. "Omnitrix, Voice Command activate." Ren said seemingly to his watch, loud enough for Tsukauchi and All Might to hear.

"Who are you talking to, Mr. Tennyson?" Tsukauchi asked, concerned about their culprit's mental state. "Are you meant to be on medication or prescription?"

Before Ren could answer the question, the Omnitrix's cylinder popped up as the green hourglass symbol began to glow brightly.

"Omnitrix, activate the Randomizer Function." Ren said before a birght green flash enveloped him. The light then dies down as a new figure was floating where the young man was, it was a phantom/ghost-like creature with a gaseous appearance and claw-like hands, and grey skin with black lines running all over him and a singular purple eye with a familiar symbol located in the crack of its chest.

 The light then dies down as a new figure was floating where the young man was, it was a phantom/ghost-like creature with a gaseous appearance and claw-like hands, and grey skin with black lines running all over him and a singular purple eye with ...

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