CHAPTER 22:Confusion and chaos

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Daaniya quickly uncovered her eyes as soon as her connection broke and got up in fear. She sprang to her feet, calling out everyone's names and commanding the closure of the main gates, urging them to flee toward the temple.


Lady: Maa j.........


Dhriti: DAANIYA, control your language, or else I will chop your tongue off.

She spun around and fixed her glare on her the moment she heard a word.

Daaniya: Guards! Capture her, she is evil

Upon hearing her order, guards rushed towards Dhriti but halted in front of her. She dashed toward them to investigate the reason for their pause, only to be stunned by the sight of her eyes glowing. Her eyes shimmered with an ethereal glow as she began to levitate in the air, casting a hypnotic spell over all the guards.


Daaniya: {panicking} NO! No, no, No. Guards...... {showing them Om} Don't you dare, come near me.

Dhriti: Smart move, but it's not going to help little one.

Daaniya just winked at her and closed her eye, moving her lips, chanting a prayer. Her body started levitating in air and a light started glowing behind. Everyone present there were either stunned or confused to see what's happening. She opened her eyes, and a vibrant light escaped from them, causing everyone present to flinch and close their eyes due to its high intensity. Everyone was shocked to see her in this form.

Daaniya: {glaring}तुम इन लोगों को तो अपने वश में कर लोगी, लेकिन मुझे नहीं।मेरे अंदर यह शक्ति बहुत समय से है, और तुम्हें मैंने पता नहीं लगने दिया क्योंकि मुझे शक था तुम पर, और वह आज यकीन में बदल गया है।{"You can control these people, but not me. I've had this power inside me for a long time, and I didn't let you know because I doubted you, but that doubt has turned into confidence today."}

Dhriti: {smirking}"वैसे तो मुझे तुम्हारी कोई जरुरत नहीं है, मैं तुम्हारे बिना भी अपने मकसद में सफल होंगी।"लेकिन तुम्हें रास्ते से हटाना भी जरूरी है"लेकिन कोई नहीं, तुम जाओ और उनकी मदद करो, मगर जब हम उन्हें हराकर अपने गुलाम बनेंगे, तो तुम्हारे साथ मैं क्या करूंगी, तुम सोच भी नहीं सकती।" {"Actually, I don't need you. I'll succeed in my goals even without you. But it's necessary to remove you from the path. However, no matter, you go ahead and help them. But when we defeat them and make them our slaves, what will I do with you, you can't even imagine."

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