The Commission

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(Five's pov)

Me and Luther were arguing, like normal. I look up and see the roof collapsing, I immediately push him out of the way and cover my head. The bricks fall on top of me, the last thing I hear is Luther yell out my name before everything goes silent.

Darkness. It swallowed me whole, thick and suffocating. I couldn't feel the weight of the rubble, couldn't hear Luther's frantic calls, couldn't even feel the sting of dust in my lungs. There was just the void, a silent abyss that stretched on forever.

Then, a flicker. A spark of something familiar, like the ghostly echo of a memory. The feeling of energy crackling beneath my skin, the taste of ozone on my tongue. I was blinking, but not in the way I was used to. This wasn't spatial displacement, not exactly. It was something... different.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was a blinding light. It pierced through the darkness, sharp and unforgiving, forcing me to shield my eyes. As my vision adjusted, I realized I was no longer buried beneath the rubble of the Academy.

Instead, I was standing in a sterile white room, bathed in the harsh glare of fluorescent lights. The air was cold, clinical, smelling faintly of antiseptic and something else, something metallic and vaguely familiar. Blood.

Panic clawed at the edges of my mind, but I shoved it down, forcing myself to take stock of the situation. I was alive, that much was clear. But where was I? And what had happened to Luther, to the others?

A groan, low and pained, cut through the silence. I whirled around, my heart hammering in my chest, and saw him.


He was slumped against the wall, his massive frame dwarfed by the sterile surroundings. His eyes were closed, his breathing shallow, and a dark stain bloomed on the sleeve of his shirt, a stark contrast to the pristine white walls.

Relief, sharp and overwhelming, washed over me. He was alive. We were both alive.

But as I took a step towards him, a voice, cold and sharp as a scalpel, sliced through the air.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Number Five."

The voice, devoid of warmth or inflection, sent a shiver down my spine. It slithered around the sterile room, bouncing off the white walls, making it impossible to pinpoint its source. I froze, every instinct screaming at me to find the speaker, to assess the threat.

"Who's there?" I demanded, my voice sharper than I intended. Fear was a fickle beast, and I wouldn't let it control me, not now, not when Luther needed me.

"A concerned party," the voice replied, a hint of amusement lacing its tone. "You've caused quite a stir, you know. Disrupting the timeline, defying the Commission... such a naughty boy."

The Commission. The words hit me like a punch to the gut. They'd found us, even here, even now. But how?

"What have you done?" I growled, my gaze darting around the room, searching for any sign of the speaker, any clue to our whereabouts.

A soft chuckle echoed in the room, sending a fresh wave of unease through me. "We've merely provided a... temporary accommodation. A safe space, if you will, to discuss your... indiscretions."

My gaze landed on Luther, still unconscious, his chest rising and falling in shallow breaths. The sight of him, vulnerable and hurt, ignited a spark of fury within me. They wouldn't get away with this.

"Let him go," I demanded, my voice low and dangerous. "He has nothing to do with this."

"On the contrary, Number Five," the voice purred, "he, like the rest of your... family, are quite integral to our plans. Consider them... collateral."

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