Dogs And Panic Attacks

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(Five's pov)

I was walking back to the mansion, when all of a sudden a brown dog dog started following me. I sighed and looked at it for a collar, when I didn't find one on it I realized that it was a stray. I decided to let it follow me back to the mansion and maybe, just maybe the dog would take up to Allison, Viktor, Luther, Klaus, or even Diego. I already have a cat, I don't want a dog.

As soon as I walk into the mansion everyone stares at me, then they run over and immediately pet the dog. I roll my eyes and head upstairs to where my gray and white cat, Chess, is located.

(Allison's pov)

"Did Five just bring a dog home and decide to give it to us? If so, this is the best day ever!!!" I squealed, already smitten with the adorable creature. The dog, a handsome brown and white mix with soulful eyes, wagged its tail excitedly, bumping its head against my hand as I scratched behind its ears. "Klaus, do you think we can keep it?" I asked, turning to my brother with pleading eyes.

Klaus, sprawled dramatically on the couch, barely looked up from the magazine he was pretending to read. "Darling, we can barely keep ourselves fed and watered, what makes you think we can handle a canine?" he drawled, before a mischievous grin spread across his face. "But hey, maybe it can fetch us some of those fancy dog biscuits old Mrs. Henderson keeps offering."

I rolled my eyes at Klaus's antics, but couldn't help but smile. He might act nonchalant, but I knew he secretly loved animals just as much as the rest of us. My gaze swept over the rest of my siblings. Luther, ever the responsible one, was already looking up local shelters on his phone. Diego, predictably, was trying to teach the dog some questionable "guard dog" tricks. Viktor, ever the gentle soul, was sitting on the floor, letting the dog lick his face with a soft smile.

Maybe, just maybe, this stray dog was exactly what we needed. A little bit of chaos, a whole lot of love, and a reminder that even in the midst of saving the world, there was always room for a furry friend.

(Diego's pov)

"Alright, buddy, repeat after me," I muttered, holding up a tattered chew toy shaped like a police officer (ironic, right?). "Attack the... uh... mailman!"

The dog, bless its clueless heart, just cocked its head and let out a happy pant, tongue lolling out. I sighed. This was going to take more work than I thought. Don't get me wrong, I was all for keeping the mutt. It was already ten times more well-behaved than Klaus, and that's saying something. Plus, a little extra muscle around here never hurt anyone, even if it came in the form of a furry, four-legged friend.

"You trying to train the new recruit, Diego?" Luther's booming voice startled me, and I almost tossed the chew toy in the air. He lumbered over, phone still clutched in his hand. "I've already contacted the local shelters, just in case. But no missing dog reports match his description."

"He's a natural, this one," I mumbled, more to myself than anyone else. That's when I saw him. Five.

He was perched on the top of the stairs, a shadow lurking in the hallway's dim light. His arms were crossed, and his usual scowl was etched even deeper on his face. But what really caught my eye was the flash of white and grey fur peeking out from his arms. Chess. He'd brought his precious cat down as backup.

Something told me Five wasn't thrilled about the new addition to the family. And knowing Five, he'd find a way to make his displeasure known. This was gonna be interesting.

I watched Five for a moment longer, gauging his mood. He hadn't moved a muscle, just stood there like a grumpy gargoyle with a feline witness. Leaving Luther to entertain the others (and by entertain, I mean try to convince Allison that "Sparky" wasn't the best name for a guard dog), I quietly peeled myself away from the group.

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