The Blame

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(Third person)

Everyone was just chatting in the kitchen when all of a sudden Five teleported right in front of Luther, making him and everyone else jump out of surprise. "Five! You scared the shit out of me!" He exclaims, Five rolls his eyes. "Sorry, I just- ..." Five suddenly collapses onto the floor, Diego immediately rushes to his side.

(Diego's pov)

"Five!!" I shake him, trying to keep him awake. "Must keep going.... So.... Close...." His eyes close, I gently smack him, trying to keep him awake. "Five, damn it, wake up!" Panic claws at my throat. He's burning up, practically radiating heat. Luther pushes past me, his face a mask of worry. "What happened?"

"I don't know! He just 'ported in and collapsed." I gather Five into my arms, his head lolling against my chest. He's so light, too light. A wave of protectiveness washes over me. He might be a pain in the ass most of the time, but he's our pain in the ass.

"We need to get him to Mom," Allison says, her voice tight.

Vanya kneels beside me, her hand hovering over Five's forehead. "He's burning up. Do you think it's the flu?"

"He just jumped through time, Vanya. I doubt it's the flu," Klaus mutters, chewing nervously on his thumbnail.

Luther scoops Five out of my arms. "No time to speculate. Let's go." He strides towards the infirmary, a sense of urgency radiating off of him. We fall into step behind him, a silent, worried procession. Five better be okay. He just has to be.

(Five's pov)

My head throbbed, a dull pounding behind my eyes. Groaning, I cracked open an eyelid, wincing at the sunlight stabbing through the window. Where the hell...? Then it all came flooding back - the mission, the time jump, the collapse.

I was in Diego's room. Figures. Of course, the idiot wouldn't even have the decency to haul me to the infirmary. Speaking of the idiot...

Diego sat slumped in a chair beside the bed, his face obscured by the wide brim of his stupid cowboy hat. He was snoring softly, a book about knife-throwing techniques lying open on his lap. Typical.

I cleared my throat, the sound raspy and dry. "Don't you have some brooding to do on a rooftop somewhere?"

Diego's head shot up, his hand instinctively reaching for the knives strapped to his chest. He relaxed slightly when he saw it was me. "You're awake."

"No thanks to you," I muttered, pushing myself up onto my elbows. The room swayed slightly, and I squeezed my eyes shut, willing the dizziness to pass.

"Easy there, Number Five," Diego said, his voice surprisingly gentle. He offered me a glass of water from the nightstand. "You had us worried there."

I took the water, surprised he hadn't laced it with something yet. "How long was I out?"

"Two days."

I choked on the water, sputtering. "Two days? What the hell happened?"

Diego hesitated, his gaze flickering away from mine. "We don't know. One minute you were collapsing, the next you were burning up with fever. Mom couldn't figure it out. Said it was like your body was...overexerting itself trying to stay anchored in the present."

"Time travel hangover," I muttered, rubbing my temples. "Never had one last this long before."

"Yeah, well, you've never jumped to the apocalypse and back before either," Diego pointed out. He leaned forward, his expression serious. "What happened, Five? What did you see?"

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