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(This is my least favorite story I made, but I'll let you read it anyway)

(Five's pov)

I look at the gun in my hands before looking at Hazel and Cha-Cha's dead bodies. I had just killed them. I put the gun in my pocket and try to teleport but fail to. Looks like I'll have to walk there. "Wait.... How the fuck will I get to my room before everyone notices the blood on my face....? Shit!!" I yell at nobody but myself. I suddenly hear a faint meow. Right... I took my cat, Chess, with me... I see Chess sitting on the floor, looking up at me with curious eyes. I crouch down and scratch behind his ears, trying to calm my racing thoughts. "Well, looks like you're stuck with me for now," I say to him as he purrs contently.

As I make my way through the dimly lit corridors of the mansion, avoiding any prying eyes or security cameras that might catch a glimpse of the bloodstains on my clothes and face, I can't help but replay what just happened in Hazel and Cha-Cha's room over and over again in my mind.

The weight of their deaths hangs heavy on me - not because they were good people (far from it), but because taking a life is never easy... even if it was necessary. But there's no time for guilt or remorse now; survival comes first.

Reaching my room without being seen by anyone else feels like an eternity. As soon as I step inside, Chess jumps onto the bed and curls up into a ball next to Viktor who barely stirs from his sleep despite all that noise earlier...

But before anything else happens tonight - before Luther finds out about this mess tomorrow morning when we gather around breakfast table pretending everything's fine while knowing damn well nothing will ever be normal again after what went down here today - one thing needs sorting out: What am going do next?

I wake up in a cold sweat, my heart pounding against my chest as the images of Hazel and Cha-Cha's lifeless bodies flash before me once again. The guilt weighs heavily on me, threatening to consume every fiber of my being.

I sit up in bed, trying to shake off the remnants of the nightmare that still linger in my mind. Chess stirs beside me, sensing my distress, and nuzzles his head against my hand reassuringly.

As I take a deep breath to steady myself, I realize that there is no going back from what I've done. The choices I made tonight will have consequences - not just for Hazel and Cha-Cha but for all of us at the Umbrella Academy.

But dwelling on it now won't change anything; action must be taken if we are to survive whatever comes next. With determination hardening within me like steel forged by fire, I know one thing for certain: this is only the beginning...

(Third person)

The morning light filters through the windows of the grand dining hall as each member of the Umbrella Academy makes their way downstairs, drawn by the smell of breakfast wafting from the kitchen. However, upon entering, they are met with a surprising sight - Five is already seated at the table, quietly eating his meal.

Confusion and irritation ripple through them as Luther speaks up first: "Five! What's gotten into you? You couldn't even wait for us to gather before starting your meal?"

Diego chimes in next, his tone sharp with disapproval: "This is not how we do things here. We're supposed to eat together like a family."

All eyes turn towards Viktor (formerly Vanya), who remains silent but wears an expression that betrays both guilt and defiance. Allison shakes her head in disappointment while Klaus looks around frantically as if searching for someone who isn't there.

As tensions rise within their makeshift family unit over this seemingly small transgression on Five's part, it becomes clear that beneath their shared history lies a fragile web of trust strained by recent events...and perhaps irreparably damaged by secrets yet untold.

Five Hargreeves oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now