Arguments To Clingy

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(Five's pov)

Once again, Diego and I found ourselves in a heated argument. This time, it was about him sharpening his knives in the middle of the living room. I couldn't understand why he felt the need to do this now, of all times. I could feel my annoyance rising as I watched him meticulously work on his blades, completely ignoring my protests.

"Diego, can you please do that somewhere else?" I groaned. Diego glanced up from his task, a smirk playing on his lips. "What's the matter, Five? Afraid I'll accidentally cut you?" he teased.

I rolled my eyes at him before retorting, "No, but I'd rather not have knife shavings all over the floor."

Just as Diego opened his mouth to respond with another snarky comment, Klaus stumbled into the room in one of Ben's old Hawaiian shirts and mismatched socks. He flopped down onto the couch next to me dramatically.

"Ah! The tension in here is palpable," Klaus exclaimed theatrically. "Can't we all just get along for once?"

Diego shot him an exasperated look while continuing to sharpen his knives unabashedly. Meanwhile, Luther entered the room looking slightly confused by our commotion.

"What did I miss this time?" Luther asked innocently as Vanya (or should it be Viktor?) followed closely behind him with a mischievous glint in their eye...

Vanya, or rather Viktor as they preferred to be called now, smirked at Luther's question. "Oh, just the usual sibling squabble," they replied with a playful tone.

Luther sighed and shook his head in amusement. He had always been the peacemaker among us siblings, trying to keep everyone on good terms despite our differences. But sometimes even he couldn't prevent these clashes from happening.

As I watched Vanya join Klaus on the couch while Diego continued sharpening his knives and Luther tried to diffuse the tension, I couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity mixed with frustration. It seemed like we were constantly caught up in petty arguments that distracted us from what truly mattered - protecting each other and saving the world.

Deep down inside me though, there was an undeniable bond between all of us; forged through years of growing up together under Sir Reginald Hargreeves' watchful eye (or lack thereof). We may not always see eye-to-eye or understand one another completely, but when it came down to it – we were family.

With determination welling within me once again after this brief distraction caused by Diego's knife-sharpening session gone awry , I stood up straighter and addressed my siblings firmly yet calmly:

"Alright guys," I began assertively. "We have bigger things ahead of us than arguing over trivial matters."

Diego paused for a moment before finally setting aside his knives reluctantly while nodding in agreement.

Klaus grinned mischievously as if sensing something exciting about to happen.
Luther smiled warmly at all of us before speaking earnestly: "Five is right...we need unity more than ever."

And so our bickering ceased momentarily as we refocused ourselves towards facing whatever challenges lay ahead for The Umbrella Academy - united against any threat that dared come our way...

Little did we know then how much those threats would test both our individual strengths and collective bonds...

(Diego's pov)

I jolted awake, my senses on high alert as the piercing scream echoed through the halls of our home. It was a sound that sent shivers down my spine and ignited an instinctive need to protect.

Without wasting another second, I leaped out of bed and sprinted towards Five's room. The urgency in his voice had been unmistakable - something terrible was happening.

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