10 - Investigation

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The holographic display flickered off, plunging the briefing room into a tense silence. Miguel, his expression grim, scanned the faces of his assembled team. "Remember," he said, his voice laced with authority, "this mission is highly dangerous. Xylos Corruptor is a powerful entity, and his robotic forces are nothing to scoff at. We need to be strategic, precise, and most importantly, listen to orders."

A beat of silence followed, then Peter B. Parker, the grizzled veteran, spoke up. "Orders being...?" His voice trailed off, a hint of challenge in his tone.

Miguel sighed, a flicker of frustration crossing his features. "My team, the Spider-Slayers, will handle the initial recon of the portal realm. We're better equipped for the unknown dangers that might lurk within."

Hobie Brown, the Spider-Punk with his vibrant mohawk, scoffed. "With all due respect, Miguel," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "we're not exactly a bunch of shrinking violets ourselves. We've all faced our fair share of interdimensional baddies."

Gwen Stacy, the Spider-Gwen from Earth-65, placed a hand on Hobie's shoulder, her voice calm but firm. "He's right, Hobie. We can't just sit on the sidelines while you guys take all the risks."

Miles Morales, Varian's friend from Nova City, chimed in, his youthful enthusiasm tempered by concern. "What if you need backup? What if Xylos Corruptor is stronger than you anticipated?"

Miguel ran a hand through his hair, the pressure of the situation evident on his face. "We've planned for contingencies," he insisted. "The Spider-Slayers are trained for this kind of mission. You all have crucial roles to play here – intel gathering, perimeter defense, holding the fort if things go south back here at HQ."

Lashanie, her mismatched eyes gleaming with determination, stepped forward. "With all due respect, Miguel," she echoed Peter's earlier statement, "we may not be your Spider-Slayers, but we're not exactly rookies either. We've faced down plenty of threats in our own realities. And besides," she added, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "wouldn't a little interdimensional teamwork be more effective?"

A murmur of agreement rippled through the room. Varian, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and excitement, couldn't help but agree with Lashanie. Sitting back and waiting wasn't his style, especially when the fate of the multiverse hung in the balance.

Miguel surveyed the room, the determination in their eyes mirroring his own. He knew they were a formidable team, each member with unique skills and a proven track record of facing down impossible odds.  Perhaps, he thought, a little unorthodox teamwork wouldn't hurt.

With a defeated sigh, he conceded. "Alright, alright," he said, a hint of amusement creeping into his voice. "Seems like a democratic approach is the way to go today. But remember, we stick to the plan. Spider-Slayers take the lead, but we all move together. No heroics, no unnecessary risks."

A cheer erupted from the room, the tension replaced by a surge of determined energy.  Peter B. Parker, a glint of excitement in his aged eyes, cracked his knuckles. "Alright, Spidey-folks! Let's show this Xylos Corruptor what a multiversal team can do!"

Varian, a smile spreading across his face, looked at Lashanie. "Looks like we're going on an adventure, Green Spinner," she said, her voice filled with a playful challenge.

"Looks that way, Ghost Spider," he replied, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and a newfound sense of belonging. He might have been a scientist from Earth-Prime, but now, he was part of a team, a family of spider-powered heroes ready to face down a god-like being and save the multiverse.  With Ruddiger perched on his shoulder, a silent furry companion, Varian, the Green Spinner, was ready to swing into action.

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