19 - Getting Scolded

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High above the bustling streets of New York City, Miguel O'Hara, the Spider-Man of 2099, hovered impatiently outside the shimmering energy barrier that encased Spider-HQ. His sleek, black and red suit shimmered in the moonlight, and frustration etched lines on his usually carefree face.

Morlun's attack and Veranke's infiltration had thrown everything into disarray. Peter B. Parker, ever the cautious leader, had initiated a complete lockdown of HQ, cutting off communication with all external Spider-People.

Miguel, however, wasn't one for following orders blindly. He believed the best course of action was to strike back, to take the fight to Morlun before he could make another move. But a locked-down HQ meant a locked-down armory, and without access to spare web-shooters and other essential tech, Miguel felt hamstrung.

"Come on, Pete," he muttered under his breath, tapping his comm impatiently. "Open this thing up already."

Suddenly, a voice, laced with amusement, crackled through his comm unit. "Having trouble getting in, Spidey 2099?"

Miguel whirled around, his eyes narrowing as he spotted a figure perched casually on a nearby rooftop. It was Jessica Drew, the swashbuckling Spider-Woman from Earth-616. Her crimson and gold costume gleamed in the moonlight, and a mischievous glint shone in her eyes.

"Jessica," Miguel greeted, his voice guarded. "What are you doing here?"

Jessica hopped down from the rooftop, landing beside him with a soft thud. "Same reason you are, obviously. Checking in on our friendly neighborhood Spider-peeps." She gestured towards the energy barrier. "Though this little security measure is a bit much, don't you think?"

Miguel couldn't help but agree. "Peter's being overly cautious. We need to be out there, taking the fight to Morlun."

A sly smile spread across Jessica's face. "Then perhaps we can... persuade him to open the door."

Intrigued, Miguel raised an eyebrow. "Persuade him, how?"

Jessica winked. "Let's just say, I have a knack for... bypassing security measures." With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she tapped a series of intricate commands on her wrist communicator.

Moments later, a faint ripple spread through the energy barrier. Then, with a soft hum, a section flickered and became momentarily transparent.

Miguel's eyes widened in surprise. "Whoa, you actually did it!"

Jessica smirked. "Let's go see what Peter's so worried about, shall we?" Before Miguel could respond, she zipped past him, her form a blur of crimson and gold as she slipped through the temporary opening in the barrier.

Miguel hesitated for a moment, torn between caution and his desire to take action. With a sigh, he followed Jessica, his enhanced vision scanning the area for any sign of danger.

As they slipped through the barrier, the holographic alarm blared to life, bathing the room in a red emergency glow. "Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" a robotic voice echoed through the deserted common room.

Miguel winced. "Maybe sneaking in wasn't the best idea."

Jessica, already halfway to the armory, chuckled. "Relax, Spidey. A little distraction is all part of the plan." She reached the armory door and with a few more clicks on her wrist communicator, bypassed the security protocols.

The door hissed open, revealing a treasure trove of gadgets and weapons. Jessica grinned, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Now this is what I'm talking about!"

Miguel, relieved to have access to the equipment they needed, grabbed a spare pair of web-shooters and a utility belt stocked with web cartridges. "Alright, Jessica," he said, his voice firm. "Let's find Peter and see what's going on."

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