11 - Healing

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The roar of the corrupted Spider-Slayers faded into a dull thrum as Varian stumbled through the swirling mist, his vision blurring at the edges. The throbbing pain in his ankle had become a constant companion, a dull ache that threatened to consume him.

But he couldn't stop. Not now. Not with Lashanie holding off a horde of those twisted machines on her own.

The blue glow pulsed more brightly as he drew closer, revealing a pulsating energy core embedded within the rocky outcropping. It thrummed with an unnatural life, tendrils of energy lashing out and distorting the very fabric of reality around it. This had to be it. The source of the portal malfunction, the reason the Spider-Slayers were corrupted, the key to saving everyone.

As Varian reached the outcropping, the ground trembled beneath him. Panic surged through him. This thing was unstable, dangerous. He needed to shut it down, and fast.

He scrambled over the rough terrain, his hand reaching for his suit's multi-tool. But before he could activate it, a wave of dizziness washed over him. His vision swam, the harsh blue glow of the energy core turning into a swirling vortex.

His legs buckled beneath him, and he collapsed onto the cold, hard ground. The multi-tool clattered uselessly beside him.

Through the haze of pain and exhaustion, he saw a flash of movement – a figure moving towards him amidst the swirling mist. A choked cry escaped his lips, but it was lost in the wind. Was it Lashanie? Had she somehow managed to... ?

But no. The figure that emerged from the mist wasn't Lashanie. It was Miles Morales, his youthful face etched with concern. But behind him, instead of the rest of the team, Varian saw only empty space.

His heart sank. Where were they? Where was Lashanie?

"Varian!" Miles reached him, his voice filled with urgency. "We gotta get out of here. This place is messing with us, and Miguel... he wouldn't listen."

Confusion clouded Varian's mind. Wouldn't listen? But... Lashanie...

Miles helped him to his feet, his concern evident. "She's holding them off," he explained, "but we can't stay here. We need to get back to HQ, get you patched up, and then figure out a new plan."

Varian fought against the wave of dizziness that threatened to pull him under. He couldn't leave Lashanie behind. But his injured ankle throbbed with a searing pain, making it impossible to walk, let alone fight.

With a heavy heart, Varian knew Miles was right. They needed to retreat, regroup, and come back stronger. Lashanie wouldn't want them to be reckless heroes getting themselves killed for no reason.

With a silent vow to return for her, Varian allowed Miles to help him through the portal. They emerged back in the sterile, high-tech chamber of the Spider-Man Headquarters, a stark contrast to the twisted landscape they had just left.

The rest of the Spider-Force – Peter B. Parker, Gwen Stacy, Pavitr Prabhakar, and Hobie Brown – were waiting for them, their expressions a mix of relief and disappointment.

As Miles helped Varian to a medical pod, he caught a glimpse of Miguel, his face grim.

"Report," Miguel demanded, his voice laced with frustration.

Miles hesitated, then explained about the corrupted Spider-Slayers, the strange energy core, and Varian's injury. But he made no mention of Lashanie. It wouldn't be fair to her, to throw her under the bus after she had bought them time to escape. They'd return, together, and then they'd tell Miguel everything.

Varian, wincing as the medical pod scanned his injuries, knew they didn't have the luxury of time. Lashanie was still out there, facing Xylos Corruptor and his robotic army alone. He gritted his teeth, a silent determination burning in his eyes. They would return to the portal realm. They would save Lashanie, stop Xylos Corruptor, and save the multiverse.

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