23 - Respite

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The warehouse bustled with the aftermath. Broken tech littered the floor alongside Morlun's desiccated husk, which shimmered with a faint, unsettling violet light. Exhaustion clung to the Spider-Gang like a second skin. Miles rubbed his sore shoulder, Gwen draped herself wearily on a crate, and Peter B sank into a beanbag chair with a groan that could wake the dead.

Lashanie, however, felt a different kind of warmth bloom in her chest. It wasn't just the adrenaline fading, it was a sense of accomplishment, a shared victory. Her eyes met Varian's across the room. He was fiddling with one of his glowing green gadgets, a lopsided grin on his face. Even through the grime of battle, he looked impossibly cute.

A teasing whistle came from Hobie, who was rummaging through a salvaged backpack. "Hey Green Spinner, looks like Ghost Spider snagged herself a prize."

Varian choked on air, his gadget clanging to the floor. Lashanie rolled her eyes. "Shut it, Hobie." Despite her words, a blush crept up her neck.

Varian scrambled to pick up his device, his own face turning a similar shade of crimson. "N-no, it's not like that!"

Gwen chuckled, a hint of energy returning to her voice. "Relax, guys. Even heroes deserve a little love life."

Miles snorted. "Just keep it PG, okay? My eyes are still burning from what happened to Morlun."

A collective groan went up from the team. Lashanie took a deep breath, breaking the awkward silence. "Hey, Varian," she started, walking towards him. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

Varian's eyes widened, then a nervous smile flickered across his face. "Uh, sure, Lashanie. Anything." He followed her to a quieter corner of the warehouse, away from the prying eyes (and ears) of their teammates.

They stood in silence for a moment, the only sound the distant hum of the city outside. Lashanie fiddled with the edge of her mask. "About what Hobie said..." she began.

"It's not –" Varian stammered, before she cut him off.

"Actually," Lashanie continued, a surprising boldness surging through her. "It kind of is."

Varian's jaw dropped. "You... you mean...?"

Lashanie took a chance. She leaned in, the mask muffling her voice as she whispered, "Maybe after all this is over, we could... hang out sometime?"

Varian's smile, brighter than any of his gadgets, could have illuminated the whole warehouse. "Yeah," he breathed. "I'd like that, Lashanie. A lot."

They stood there for a moment longer, a comfortable silence settling between them. Finally, the sound of Peter B clearing his throat made them jump apart. "Alright lovebirds," he drawled. "Don't get too mushy, we still gotta clean up this mess."

Lashanie rolled her eyes, a secret smile playing on her lips. Even with danger still lurking in the shadows, there was a lightness in her step. Tonight, they were victorious. And maybe, just maybe, there was something more to celebrate.

The warehouse slowly emptied as everyone tackled the aftermath. Hobie tinkered with salvageable tech, Peter B regaled Gwen with a (probably embellished) story of his past battles, and Miles, ever the responsible leader, began strategizing their next move. Lashanie, however, lingered by a window, watching the cityscape shimmer under the moonlight.

Varian approached her, his steps hesitant. He held out a small canister, filled with a glowing green liquid. "You look exhausted," he said shyly. "Thought this might help."

Lashanie recognized the concoction. It was one of Varian's signature energy-boosting formulas. "Thanks," she said, taking the canister with a smile. "You're a lifesaver, Green Spinner."

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