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There was a boy named Izuku Midoriya, he had an egoistical friend named Katsuki Bakugo, even though Katsuki was egoistical, he would NEVER hurt Izuku.. Well that was what Midoriya thought. Izuku had green hair and some black hair at the front and his bestfriend Bakugo has blonde hair with red eyes. They were both four, almost time to get their own quirk. They were both excited as they both admired the #1 Hero AllMight and aspired to be like him, a hero.

It was eventually the great day. The day where Midoriya was supposed to get his quirk or in other words, find out what it is. Tension filled the air. It was so thick that it was like you could cut it in half with a knife.

Izuku Midoriya-

Eventually, the young boy broke the silence and whispered to his mother, not too quiet but he did make sure she could hear him, "Mummy, what quirk do you think I'll get!?" He said it in such an excited tone that it made his mother giggle.

Inko Midoriya-

She looks at her son with soft, caring eyes and says to him, "I'm sure that whatever quirk you will have it will be amazing, but if I had to take a guess then maybe strong telekinesis or a fire quirk?" The woman looks curious but smiles back at her son.


"Izuku Midoriya?"


"Come on honey its your turn now!" As soon as she said that the little boy jumped out of his chair and raced to the doctor. She giggles abit but follows them in.


"Good Afternoon, I am going to run some tests on you kid okay," he says. *Running some tests* He hums as he does his work. After 17 minutes he came back with the results not looking happy but instead looking sad. "I am sorry to say this but your sons quirkless.." He tells the people that were looking eagerly at him wanting to know the results. "Its because his pinky to-


It all went silent, his head was spinning, asking himself questions that he didn't have answers to. Now how was he going to be a hero?

The Next Day-


"Hey Izuku! What quirk did you get? Its probably not as amazing as mine. *Shows mini explosions* My quirk is explosion! Adults say I'm a prodigy or whatever that means." While he was boasting, he didn't even notice his friend looking sad. "Oh uh, is everything okay?" He said looking at the sad boy in-front of him.


"O-oh t-the d-doctor said I-im quirkless.." Looking down as he replies to the blondie.


He blinks a few times then laughs. "Quirkless? Quirkless people are useless. Useless Izuku. Actually now I'll call you Deku because Deku means useless" He said as he laughed at who used to be his friend.


He was to stunned to speak. He couldn't believe his friend would do this. "Kacchan that's not nice!" He said as he tears up.


"Hey Deku! Let me practice my quirk on you!" He snickers and smiles evilly as he starts up his new quirk and hits Izuku with it.

Now They Are In Highschool Aged 14-


"Oi Deku, let me beat you up will ya?" He says as he charges up an explosion and launches it at Izuku.


"ARGH!" He shouts while rolling around in pain and holding his bleeding head and bruised body.


"Your such a quirkless nobody! You should pray that you get born with a quirk in your next life! So take swan dive of the roof!" He laughs as he walks to the exit with the other bullies.


Dumb Kacchan, he thinks as he smiles. He gets a mannequin and dresses it up exactly like him. He injects some blood from when his ex-best-friend had hit him. He makes it as realistic as possible and throws out it of the window. "Now, time for important things," he said while walking away, trying his best not to be seen.

Now he was free to do whatever he wanted, even if it meant illegal actions.. Well, the only things that he had to be worry about was getting his identity exposed or getting caught, or maybe.. both.

After 26 minutes-

News Reporter-

Hello, this is ---- ----------, I am here to report to you about the unfortunate event that had taken place 26 minutes ago. A boy named Izuku Midoriya, aged 14, had tragically taken his own life after jumping off a roof that was 594ft tall. I'll let you folks know if anything progresses on this case.



1 year later-

Katsuki is still the egoistical, arrogant blonde haired boy, but something was different. He wasn't so loud, always looking like there was something bothering him. The problem was, nobody knew why. He manages to pass the UA exam with flying colours in the mock battle test but barely passed in the practical test.


"Maybe I should take a walk," he thinks to himself while walking to the exit. He thinks of what he might have to do next week and what he should train. As he's walking, he overhears a trio talking and can't help himself but look who it was. When he looked, he would have never guessed in a million years who it was and why they were with the 2 people.

It was two members of the League Of Villains(Shigiraki and Toga)with an un-identified person who looked strangely familiar. Katsuki quickly hid behind a brick wall in an attempt to hide from these people. Although he knew the 2 villains, who was the other?

Katsuki knew. He did know who it was, but tried to convince himself it wasn't "him." 

It was Izuku Midoriya. His late best friend.

Katsuki's face was red, holding his breath as if he had seen a ghost. What was Izuku doing here and why was he with those people? Although he knew it was Izuku, the boy that he used to know looked completely different. The green and black hair fluffy hair had gone to white hair with thick black strokes that covered his left eyebrow. The green big eyes had now gone to red thin eyes that covered half of his pupil. The pastel, vibrant clothes he used to wear had now gone to a black and dark green suit with black gloves, red shoes, a hood that wasn't put on but hanging at the back of his neck, a dark-green mask that wasn't being worn but instead on his neck hanging down to his chest. Was that really the Izuku he knew? Katsuki didn't want to know why Izuku was hanging out with those two but he didn't want to find out so he left as quickly and stealthily as he could.

At UA dorms-

Katsuki bursts in and runs to his room ignoring his deeply concerned classmates. What was he going to do? Was he even safe?

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