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When entering upon the city from the outside, the 4 travelers from Fairy Tail were more then impressed at the sights.

Almost every building was as tall as a freakin' skyscraper, and with everywhere around them looking just as expensive.

Natsu with Happy flying by his head, threw up his arms into the air and beamed: "THIS PLACE IS AWESOME!!!"

"I mean, he's not wrong." Smiling, Lucy said as she looked around at everything.

"Yeah, I can't complain when it looks like this." Grey had to agree with this one; even if it was Natsu saying it.

"Mhmm. Of course it is, I picked it for a reason you know." Proud of herself, Erza smiled with her hands on her hips and with a brief closing of her eyes.

Happy then looked at Natsu with a beam: "I wonder if we can find fish around here or something."

"Never hurts to look my little buddy." Natsu put up a thumbs up for the flying cat, and he couldn't have been happier.


The two of them then raced off.

"HEY! Don't just run off like that!!" Lucy saw this and shouted on over at them.

But Erza just chuckled and shook her head at this: "Just leave them Lucy. Let us go too." And then she marched forward.

Lucy sighed at this and hung her head but followed anyway.

Grey followed too...

......They wondered about together around the city's shops, restaurants and stalls. They had lots that they bought and ate. Even greeting the citizins and having lovely chats with them.

They were here on a vacation, and they were going to enjoy it to their fillest...

......It was sunset now, and nearing the end of the day. So Erza suggested that they should find a hotel to stay in. Lucy had to agree as she was tired from all of the exploring.

So that was what they did.

There was one nearby, and the 4 of them went inside to book in.

They booked in 2 rooms; one for the boys and one for the girls.

Then they went up to the second floor to thier rooms. They were next to each other; which was good.

So saying their goodnights and farewells, Lucy and Erza went in one room, and Natsu, Gray and Happy went in the other...

...Natsu collasped on his back on the first bed his eyes laid on.

Though of course he did.

Happy did the same, but onto Natsu warm exposed chest instead.

Gray rolled his eyes at this as he walked slowly to sit on the other bed. 

"Ahhh! This is so soft and nice!" Natsu beamed as he closed his eyes and sighed in relaxation.

"Aye~" Happy replied.

Gray looked at the two silently...

...Meanwhile, in their room, both Lucy and Erza tested out their beds.

They sat on them to test the springs, and then they went to lay on their backs to test thier softness, and they couldn't have been happier.

"Ah, this is such a soft bed." Erza smiled with her eyes closed amd relaxing.

"You said it." Lucy did the same.

And before all 4 of them realized, they were all asleep for the rest of the night.



In the underground section of the castle inside this city, were 6 individuals. Here are their names:

Masuda Chou, Ogasawara Momoko, Kido Masanori, Ichikawa Michio, Nakajima Yukio and Fujimara Shoji.

Not all of them were together though.

In one area on a slab of stone sat the leader of this group. It was Nakajima Yukio.

Coming in to report was Masuda Chou, as she walked briskly inside with purpose, and with a somewhat authority.

Yukio looked up at her with a few blinks; wondering why she was here bothering him at this time of night.

But regardless of the look, Chou contuined forward until she was a few feet away from him. She then went down on one knee: "Wizards had entered the city sir, a few hours ago."

"Is that so?" Yukio sounded bored.

Chou ignored that and nodded: "Yes. And they are members of Fairy Tail. How should we approach this?"

"Mmm, I don't really care, but if your that concerned of the matter, then you can send out Kido to trial them in the morning."

"Yes. Understood. Right away sir." And then she left him.

Yukio narrowed his eyes. Fairy Tail huh? Interesting...

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