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"Who are you?" Grey asked as he raised an eyebrow at Kido; who had walked on out on them, and offered to pay for whatever it was that they both him and Natsu wanted to buy.

Natsu looked at him too with a similar expression on his face.

The crowd that was surrounding them had watched all this unfold, and mumbles could be heard from all around.

The salesman who was aiming to sell to the boys had looked from them to Kido in confusion.

Everyone was still in bewildment.

The sellsman then finally found his tongue and the courage to speak up after his uncomfortable encounter, and addressed Kido: "E-Excuse me sir? Are you going to pay for these boys then?"

Kido looked on over at the man, and opened up his mouth to answer.

But apparently, Natsu beat him too it: "No, he isn't. We hardly know the dude."

All eyes lay on Natsu.

"For all we know, he's trying to buy them off us instead."

"But I don't even know what you guys are buying." Kido pointed out to him.

Then it was Grey's turn to point out: "Yeah, and he's just trying to be nice Natsu. So show some gratitude."

"You don't know that." Natsu turned his attention on Grey.

"Do I have too?"

"Well duh."

"Don't 'duh' me."

"I'll 'duh' you all I want!"

Here we go again.

The sellsman's attention went here, there, everywhere; he didn't know who to listen too.

This was of course getting ridiculous, but no one had the guts to really say anything about it.

But then Kido finally answered the question: "Yes, I am buying them."

The sellsman looked at him with such relieve it almost made him believe he had just saved his life.

So this time without no further argument, Kido took money out and gave it to the salesman. The salesman then gave Natsu and Grey what they wanted.

Some food...

..."Whoa, you are actually a really nice guy. You saved our skins there man, thank you!"

Natsu was pleased to know that Kido was not there to steal their food, but to actually give them a helping hand with money after all. So he was slall smiles now.

So was Grey, and he looked at Natsu standing next to him: "See Natsu? I told you he was only trying to help."

Natau chuckled over at him at this.

Kido watched them; happy to know that they were appreciated of his helping hand.

Then Natsu turned to Kido: "So hey, what's your name?"

"Kido." Kido answered him with honesty: "Kido Masanori."

"Well cool name bro. I'm Natsu Dragneel." Natsu grinned amd pointed to himself with his thumb.

"And I'm Grey Fullbuster." Grey introduced himself too with a grin also.

'So, Natsu and Grey huh...?' Kido thought at this, narrowing his eyes darkly with his remaining grin.

But then beamed and closed his eyes and clapped his hands: "Oh wow, those are such cool names bros!"

Natsu chuckled again at this: "Glad you like 'em!"

Grey nodded at this too with agreement.

As Kido watched the two of them, neither of them noticed the look he was giving them behind his smile. 

He thought to himself as he did so: 'These two don't look half bad, but the boss wanted me to look into them. So here I am.'

He then said out loud with a question; drawing the boys attention back to himself: "So hey," he kept on smiling: "Those marks on your body What symbol is it? Do you belong to a guild or something?" 

Yes- Grey suddenly had his shirt off. 

They both blinked at the question, and looked at eachother.

Natsu was the one to answer, pointing at his mark on his right shoulder: "Oh this? We're from the Fairy Tail Guild."

"Fairy Tail huh?"


"Well, did you two come alone?" 

"Nope. We have our other two friends with us too. Erza and Lucy."

"Is that so?"

Natsu nodded again.

'So 4 in total huh...' Kido thought.

Natsu then held the bag of food tighter to his chest now happily.

Kido watched him. 

Then he was done for now.

"Well okay then you two, I'm off now. Enjoy the food." He then waved and walked away.

Natsu waved back at him goodbye...

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