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Natsu gasped as he looked at this giant beast; which had four arms, in shock.

Lucy was already all bruised up and exhausted it seemed, and scared too. So she clearly was in no condition to fight.

So Natsu moved her off him and behind his back for safety, and then growled up at the beast: "Hey, you big ugly freak! Did you hurt Lucy!?"

The beast said nothing though.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Natsu yelled at it then.

But still no answer.

Natau growled.

Lucy then tightened her grip on Natsu, and he froze and looked over his shoulders at her: "Huh? Lucy? What's up?" He then paused again and blinked. She was shaking; looking utterly terrified. What on earth had happened to her?

"Natsu...don't fight him....he....we...-"

She began, but Natsu smiled and reached out and patted her head gently: "Hey don't worry about me, okay? I can handle this." He told her gently.

Then he made her let him go, and then he stepped away and turned to face the beast.

The beast growled as he looked and watched Natsu now.

"Okay ugly, it's you and me now." Natsu got serious then, and rushed at the beast. He aimed a punch, but it did not connect. He tried a few more times, but the beast was faster then it looked.

The beast used it's 4 aims now to aim at Natsu; who only blocked a few blows, and got hit by the others, and grunted at the hard impacts.

Then Natsu took a deep breathe; ready to use his fire magic: "FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!"

But nothing came out, to his shock.

The beast grinned then and punched Natsu in the face hard; knocking him back with bone crunching strength.

Lucy gasped at this and winced; barely bearing to watch this.

Natsu got up confused: "What the?"

The beast swung a fist at him, and Natsu ducked: "Okay in that case: FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!!" He punched up and hit the beast's arm.


He gasped then as he was kicked backwards.


"NATSU!!!" Lucy cried out; holding back tears.

Natsu slowly got back up to his feet; all dazed and confused, and moments later, he was being punched and kicked about by the beast once again.

Lucy couldn't help the tears now: "STOP ITTTT!!"

And then:

"AGHHHH!!!" Natsu was sent flying backwards across the hall, and then hard onto the ground when he had landed.

"NATSUUU!!!" Across the room called  Lucy once again. She couldn't bare to watch this anymore.

Natsu lay there on the ground just barely conscious, with his body shaking in pain.

He was approached from behind then by a 4 armed bulk of a man, and he used his two lower arms to wrap them under Natsu's arms to forcefully get him back on his feet. He held him there then as Natsu's arms and legs were limb and his head was hung.

Natsu though caught a glimpse of the person who sent him flying; who had just arrived out of nowhere and decided to give Natsu a hard one.

He approached Lucy then, and hit her in the neck and watch her collapse unconscious to the ground.

He then slowly approached Natsu.

"Lucy....no...." Natsu managed to mumble.

The guy then reached Natsu and reached out a hand to his wrists. A magical cuff appeared and wrapped themselves around Natsu's wrist, and then a chain attachment appeared and it carved around another cuffs that appeared on Natsu's thighs.

Then the beast used his upper free hands to take out a cloth and used it to gag Natsu; after being instructed by the arrival guy.

Natsu's cries out was muffled and his head was pulled back so the cloth could be tied around at the back of his head.

Natsu's eyes glanced up at the man infront of him then who put the cuffs on him. He gasped then when the guy now used magic in his eyes to start putting Natsu to sleep.

Natsu grunted as his vision began to blur. He fought the urge to sleep, but in the end, it was no use and soon his head lolled and his body grew numb.

He was now unconscious too.

And the guy was no other then Shoji himself.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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