2-Just a Normal Work Day

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[This part will be all Rody's POV💙]
ALTERNATE UNIVERSE~Vincent is mostly mentally stable and Manon is still alive

~Vincent x Rody implied

💮 🔪💮

Rody had awoken from his.. Not so peaceful sleep, he had been met with the carpeted but still hard floor. He groaned in pain, as well as annoyance, before lazily standing, stumbling before catching himself on the old worn down couch and trudging towards the bathroom. He tried his best to not look around at the dump of an apartment he was living in; stains occasionally in his sight as he was looking down at the floor, trash sprawled out across his floor as well as two piles of clothes, he couldn't really remember very well but he's pretty sure one of them is supposed to be the clean pile... We aren't even going to talk about how his kitchen and bathroom are looking! He grumbled to himself as he stepped in the flooded bathroom, well it wasn't necessarily flooded because the previous day when Rody was going to shower, a part in the sink had broken and the bathroom was flooded. . . So he had decided that maybe he should just use towels to dry it all up! He had gotten all of the towels needed from a nearby store and placed them all over the bathroom floors to soak most of it up. The towels had certainly done their job but it was sort of.. Squishy when he walked in the bathroom.

"*euugh... *"

He cringed at the feeling,

'Well, what can ya' do. '

He thought to himself, he obviously knew that he could have done something, he could've done many things, but he just didn't wish to do them.

He had his work uniform layed messily on the toilet seat, with his shoes outside of the bathroom beside the front door. He heavily sighed, stripping himself of his clothing before stepping into the shower, his shower wasn't all that bad [keep on telling yourself that Rody] but it could be better, someone like Vince definitely wouldn't approve of , or anything in his apartment wouldn't be approved by Vince at all..

'Wait why am I thinking about that... That.. I don't even know! I just need to shower.'

He rubbed his temples before turning on the water, it spurted out before slowly going to a more steady flow, he did all of the necessary things for showering such as: his three in one, it includes shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. He washed his hair before rinsing it and then washing his body. He finished by rinsing the soap off his body and stepping out, he tripped and fell on the towel covered, wet and squishy floor.. He was immediately disgusted and he squealed before scrambling back up.

"*Uagh*! Eeeww!!"

He whined, grabbing the one towel that wasn't on the floor and was for drying himself off and drying off his hair and his body. He sighed before looking in the mirror,

'Ehh wait what time is it..? Ah well whatever, it's normal for me to be late and besides, Vince treats me way better than the cooks.'

He didn't even want to think of why Vince showed signs of favoritism towards him, a very very sad man. He put on his clothes, tried to brush his hair but immediately put the brush back down because he didn't even want to mess with that jungle of tangles, before brushing his teeth. He went out of the bathroom and put his shoes on that were by the door, he looked at the time and he was already..

"Fifteen minutes late!!?"

He wasn't all that surprised by how late he was but he didn't feel like getting his ass chewed out! He forgot to tie his shoes due to how hurried he was being now, grabbing his bike and shoving it through the door way before rushing down the stairs of the apartment complex with his bike in hand, a few people looked at him like he had just done something embarrassing.. Whatever!

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