6-Say You'll Never Leave Me🌸‼️/part 2

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After I had made it out of that trash of an apartment complex I dragged my feet along the sidewalk, looking around so I could hopefully sometime find a damn "HELP WANTED" sign. I found nothing. Wait- I walked past a restaurant and, did I see a help wanted sign? I did a double take, walking backwards to the restaurant, yess!!

Now.. How do I go in and ask the boss for the position? I stand there and think for a moment, playing out a bunch of scenarios in my head but all of them had a similarity; in all of them the boss kicks me out of the restaurant... Maybe I should just go home and sleep.


I groan in annoyance, some random ass kid sitting on a bench eating her icecream looked at me weird. I hate little kids. I put my hands over my face for a minute before I feel a tap on my shoulder, I jump a little and uncover my face with my hands.

"What the hell-"

Where did this guy even come from-? He has a chefs uniform on but it looks all crinkled and the collar isn't even buttoned up all the way. He has messy copper looking hair too- Maybe a shouldn't be scrutinizing someone right when I meet them.

"Are you wanting the waiter position I have open?"

He asked me with a grin, he looked a bit too excited-

I cleared my throat, "Yes, er- what's your name?"

"Rody Lamoree! You can really call me whatever though it doesn't matter."

He said, patting my shoulder, he has a really strong grip 'cause man that kinda hurt. Maybe it's just because I'm frail though.

"Sure... Rody."

I say awkwardly, shrugging his hand off my shoulder, he cocked an eyebrow up and shrugged before motioning me to follow him inside. I didn't really feel like saying much besides what was needed.. It's not like we're going to be anything besides employee and employer anyways.

We made it to his office and he sat down at his desk, I sat down across from him.

[Uh time skip bcz I don't know how getting employed works😅 it just happened!!]

"So you already know how to wait tables and all that?"

"Yes, sir, I do."

I said, looking around the restaurant, it looks pretty nice.. I sigh. It was my dream to have a restaurant but this really isn't the time to sulk.

"Why the long face?"

He asked, tilting his head to the side a little, is he trying to aggravate me or is he genuinely concerned.

"It's nothing, I'm fin-"

"You can tell me anything you want! I'm always here for my employees!!"

I hate being interrupted, but his dorky ass smile is sorta amusing I gues-

"So do you want a tour of the restaurant?"

THIS BITCH EVEN INTERRUPTS MY THOUGHTS WHAT THE FUCK. Forget what I said about him being amusing, he's a total fuck head.

"No. I need a uniform."

It was clear that I was annoyed and in a shot mood so he'll probably just say okay and get me a uniform. Right?

"No, no, I insist! I want to show you around! Besides, today is Saturday and there's no work on Sunday, so you start on Monday."

I swear to the heavens I would beat the shit out of this mother-fucker but he looks like he could probably pound my face in. [I know what this sounds like but trust me-]

He started walking off, I just guessed that he probably wanted me to follow him. I walked behind him, looking down at our shoes as we walked, I didn't really feel like looking anywhere else except the floor...

I accidentally bumped into him from behind, he turned around and I immediately shuffled away from him.

I get a bit freaky around big chested men!


"You alright? You looked all spaces out! Wouldn't want that to happen when your waiting customers."

He said with a small chuckle but he still seemed pretty serious about what he said. I nodded before he continued showing me around...

[YES, ANOTHER TIME SKIP. It's Vincey's first day on the job! Don't question my laziness to make good story lines.]


I woke up hugging a pillow, sitting up with it tight against my chest. I kind of forgot what it felt like to hug anything.. Whatever. I put the pillow aside and stood up from my couch, yawning and stretching before I made my way to my bathroom. I took a nice, needed shower, brushed my teeth and hair, as well as flossed and used mouthwash.. I put my uniform on and shoes before leaving the complex. My bike was chained up outside, I unchained it and rode my way to my first day of work.


God I'm so tired.. Paperwork is so lame and exhausting! Why did I even stay in college.. I could be sitting on my couch right now, unemployed with nothing to do.. But Manon.. I run my hand through my hair, pulling on it a bit, I was a bit angry with myself. I hadn't noticed another presence in my office!

"Ah.. Sir? Are you alright.",Vince, the weird guy I hired a couple days ago asked me. It's strange that he never mentioned his name but at least I got to find out for myself by digging through his file! I don't even know why the man keeps a file for himself.. Maybe he's just that prepared for a job.

"Y-yes! Yes, I'm fine. Do you need anything-?"


~978 Words~

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