3-Say You'll Never Leave Me🌸‼️/part 1

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ALTERNATE UNIVERSE~Rody is a chef at a BBQ restaurant, Vincent is the waiter, Manon is just Manon

-Swearing (lots)
-Gay stuff (Vincent x Rody) only some though
-The main 'ship' is Rody x Manon but it's very problematic and toxic(☹️)
-Killing of a character
(Some warnings may not be for THIS part but shown in the next part(s) of this AU)

              (RODY'S POV)

I had been filing some paperwork for the restaurant that I had left on my desk for about a week and was procrastinating to  even touch it at all, although currently I had only around seven words written down.. Uh, y'know maybe this stuff can wait! Noo, it can't. I sigh in minor frustration, quickly writing down almost everything for that piece of paper before I heard a--

It sounded as if two people were yelling. At each other... It's probably those two waiters again. I would beat their asses until they looked as if they were deformed if I wouldn't get put in jail for battery and assault.. Manon could never love a criminal!!

As quickly as I could possibly do it, I stood up, wobbling over before straightening myself up and walking quickly out of my office. Two of my waiters were arguing... How annoying. I approach them and place one hand on each of their shoulder, causing their attention to snap towards me.

"Now, do you really think it's appropriate to argue in front of customers? At least take it out back where the dumpsters are."

I say with a passive-aggresive grin, they seem to of went from angry and fighting to scared and shaking real quick.

"Ah- yes- Lamoree sir."  "Yes, chef!"

The two waiters answered quickly, I laughed a little, causing the newer waiter to cock an eyebrow up at me.

"Now need to be so uptight! Now get back to work or else you're both fired."

I said, my smile dropping towards the end of my sentence. I took my hands off their shoulders and walked back to my office, sitting back down and thinking of finishing the paperwork but sighing and shaking my head to myself, it can just wait for later! I pull out the reviews for my restaurant and began reading. Most of the reviews were pretty positive...

'Your barbeque is astonishing! I never knew they had these in France. '..

'Amazing food, watching the cooks prepare my meal is a show to behold.'

'Lacking the amount of waiters a professional restaurant would have.'

Wait what!? I lack the amount of waiters... I read it over again and I felt myself get rather angry, I grumbled before I pinched the bridge of my nose.

I suppose I could hire another waiter..? But I most likely will not have enough money to give all of my employees an equal pay check!

I recheck my findings and woah! I actually have the money for it. Surprising... Aw I probably could have boughten Manon an amazing gift with this much money. But- I can just save up even more money for her.. 

Wait how do I go through the process of finding and hiring someone again?



After Rody had finally put the new waiter position available sign up outside after work hours, he went inside and locked the restaurant up before going back in his office to 'do the paper work' but he just ended up falling asleep, his head resting very uncomfortably on the hard office desk in front of him.



(TIME-The next day, WEDNESDAY)
I had been laying on my couch, I have nothing else to do anyway since I had already cleaned up my apartment earlier. I sighed before sitting back up on my couch, looking around my apartment. It isn't the best looking place but it's alright.. Well in my opinion at least.

I think for a while... It's been at least a whole week since I had been fired from my last job, a customer had purposely spilled their food all over me and I just.. I grabbed them by their neck and started squeezing. [😭]
Well they had to go to the hospital and I got charged a fine, as well as being fired and banned 'for life' by my previous boss. I let a forced exhale of air before standing up. Should probably start job hunting sometime.. Manon told me about some barbecue and how it was close to my apartment complex. I should check that out first.

I changed my clothes and slipped on my shoes, leaving my apartment and trudging down the stairs to the exit of the complex.


[SORRY IT'S NOT THAT LONG, I'M BUSY🍥 hope this was alright and lmao cliffhanger]

~818 Words~

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