5-Some Silly Thing⏤͟͟͞͞★

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Not an alternate universe🌌
Just some silly thing(^≗ω≗^)

Not an alternate universe🌌Just some silly thing(^≗ω≗^)BASED OFF OF THIS [ART NOT MINE]

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I can hardly pay attention dudes I'mma try to do this(^._.^)ノ☆


It's almost the end of my shift, finally... I hate everyone here. Luckily it's my last day here! I'm so excited to get my final check that my hands are shaking a little. Why am I just sitting here thinking I need to go-

I finish taking the dirty ass dishes to the kitchen because those fucking pigs can't finish their slop and wipe down the tables, anywho. I smile a little to my self, thinking about Manon.. SHE'S SO GORGEOUS AND PERFECT THAT- I would literally die for her. [Why am I so hyped rn👽]

I take in multiple unnecessary breaths before taking my apron off and tossing over at the wall that has the hooks I'm supposed to hang them up on, I don't need to be considerate to this unstylish, tasteless, non-decorated fool anymore. Okay maybe that was a little rude. Nah.

Wait maybe before I leave, I can ask Vince for that raise.. Since this is my last day.. [On this earth]

I CAN SUCK UP TO HIM TO GET THE RAISE, maybe if I'm reallyyy nice he'll feel bad for me and give me his moolah. I walk to his office after creating my master plan and open the door.

"Hey Vince-rrr, I mean Vincent- I mean chef- I mean-"

Vince already looks like he wants to slap me,..

"Just tell me what you want, it's past work hours for you and I would like it if you left."

Little does he know I'm leaving him forever, how will he feel after I never come back? I'm so evil.

"Oourhh... Um."

I sit down across from him, fiddling with my fingers, I guess he noticed because he raised an eyebrow at me a little.

"How do I ask this..? - oh wait, can I have a raise?"

"Right before your paycheck is given to you? Really? Honestly I thought you were smarter than that.[lie]"

Oh no he caught me-

"W-well can't you just like- I don't know-"

"Pull the money out of my ass? I don't think that's humanly possible.."

Man he's about to get my foot up his ass if he doesn't stop interrupting me.

"*Ughh* Vince! Pleaseee? Give me a raise and I will surely be able to get my precious girlfriend back!"

I plead, he laughs at me a little but then his small smile drops, is he mocking me in my time of vulnerability!

"Begging will get you nowhere, and is she  that needy with money?"

"No! Well- a little.. But she isn't petty or anything..."

"Fine, take the money but then I want you to leave for the night and go get sleep, you are acting like a child."

I can't tell if he's being a little bitch or if this is his way to care about someone.


Wow- he doesn't know that she's literally dead and in my freezer. [Evil for that]

"Well, uhm. I also wanted to tell you something real quick."

He said with a little bit of a nervous tone in his voice, rubbing the back of his neck. I swear does he have neck lice or something. Probably roaches too-

"Yes? What is it."

"I'm quiting."


[LMAO  I don't even know why I did this part]

~585 Words~

~585 Words~

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