Chapter Eighteen

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Who needs an alarm clock when bacon exists? I wake up around nine in the morning to irresistible scent wafting into my nose, and a smile pulls at my lips. Gen. She woke up early to cook breakfast. And just when I thought it was impossible for me to love her more, she goes and does something like this. My stomach is roaring with joy, and I jump out of bed, quickly sliding on a pair of pants and an old t-shirt before running down the stairs.

I'm expecting to find Gen in the kitchen, but I'm surprised to see Keke. She's standing over the stove, flipping bacon strips, her tongue between her teeth and her black hair pulled back in a messy ponytail. Disappointment floods my body, but I hide it with a smile as I sit down at the kitchen island.

"Morning," Keke says as she jumps back to avoid splattering bacon grease. I nod my head at her in response. "Thought I'd get up early and you know... make breakfast for everyone. You know, start off our vacation right."

"This is an apology breakfast for Gen, isn't it?" I ask her, remembering the argument the two of them had the night before. Keke winces but nods her head, and I grin. I can't wait until Gen wakes up so I can gloat. "This is really nice, Keke. She's going to love it."

She shrugs her shoulders. "I hope so. I don't like arguing with her. Especially about something so stupid. I think I was just tired yesterday. I don't know. Hopefully she likes all this. I even went to the store to pick up her favorite coffee creamer."

I nod my head. "Sounds like this is more of an olive trunk than a branch," I say, and she laughs. I turn my head and look around, expecting to see the others as well. But it seems like no one else is awake but the two of us. "Where are the others?" I ask.

"The twins are still sleeping," Keke replies. "Gen is too. And Ty is taking a shower. He should be down in a minute."

Hmm. So Gen is alone in her bedroom right now. An idea enters my mind. The chance to do a small romantic gesture. I hop off the island stool, catching Keke's attention. A smile forms on my face as I say, "Uh, be right back. Going to step out for a minute. Get some air."

Keke rolls her eyes. "Sure. Tell your new girlfriend I said hi," she says, and I just grin and shake my head. If only she knew. I walk out of the kitchen area and make my way to the backyard. Bronte has a garden out here somewhere. It's nothing too fancy, but I do see some yellow rose bushes in the side yard. Usually I wouldn't do this, but I know Bronte. And if she knew the reason I was stealing one of her roses, she would be delighted. Very carefully so as not to prick my fingers on the sharp thorns, I pluck a yellow rose off the bush. Then I sneak back in the house, hiding the rose so that Keke won't see it. Then I slink back up the stairs, hoping not to run into Tyler or the twins on the way.

I make it to Gen's room unseen, and I feel this weird sense of victory overtake me as I tiptoe next to her and carefully place the rose on her pillow. I don't leave a note, but I have a feeling she'll know who it's from. Then I take a moment to look at her. Her honey blonde hair is strewn about across her light blue pillowcase, and her lips are parted ever so slightly. A small puddle of drool is sitting at the corner of her lip, and I smile. She's fucking adorable. And so hot. God, what I wouldn't give to kiss her right now. But I can't be gone too long. Keke will start to suspect something is up. So after one last longing glance, I sneak back out of Gen's room and start walking back down the stairs.

Keke and I chat it up for a bit, talking about the podcast and the trading game. She doesn't ask me any questions about my mysterious girlfriend, so I'm careful not to bring up Paul at all. We're having a nice conversation about completely harmless subjects. And a few minutes later, Tyler joins us, his hair dripping wet and his clothes sticking to his body. I wait for the sound of more footsteps, hoping I'll see Gen soon. And when the twins come down the stairs, I realize that I should've known Gen wouldn't be up early. After all, she was out pretty late last night making out with me on the boat.

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