New neighborhood

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The house is empty. The streets are so large here. I hear kids screaming and playing in the distance, but i see no one. I only see some water from a water sprinkler jump up from the fence of the neighbor houses. Its pretty hot outside but there's not a single kid playing on the streets or in the frond yard's. The only thing that's on the streets right now is the moving truck and our car.

I hear someone shout my name a few times. "Cynthia, help unloading and start being useful!". I recognize that loud voice instantly and start unloading my stuff from the car. "Cindy there you are, your room in the one upstairs to your right, the last room in the hallway. If your done unpacking you can explore the rest of the house." ,said my mother with a urging voice. She sounds stressed. So does my father. My brother doesn't seem bothered by this whole moving houses thing. 

As soon as i got all my bags and boxes in my new room i started looking around a bit. My room is pretty average, not big, not small. It has a window, but the few is blocked by this big leaning oak tree. What's the use of a big clear window if the few is blocked almost entirely? I open the window to let some fresh air in while i look around a bit more. My brothers room is a lot bigger then mine. Well not that much, but its still unfair he get's the bigger room and i don't. My parents tell me there practically the same size, but that's easy to say for them because they've gotten the biggest bedroom in the house. "Cindy, stop wining about it, you have a big window and a beautiful few of the neighborhood!". Well that was a lie. My father lies a lot too me. And when i accuse him of lying its always: "Don't talk back to me! And don't start acting all smart with me now, your only 14." 

While sorting all my clothes and plush's, my mother calls me for dinner. "Cindy, dinners ready!". I get up and feel my knees cry out from sitting for too long. I didn't mind it though and ran downstairs as fast as i could. As i ran down the stars i jumped off the last 3 steps. "Go wash your hand and set set the table ready",said my mother while cooking, the table obviously not even cleaned. Such a classic one. I fell for the classic 'dinners ready' trap and now i have to find all the tableware. I set the plates down and grab the forks and knifes. There are only 3 clean knifes and 2 forks. I guess were going for the spoon then. 

My brother and father sit down at the table next to each other. I sit down on the opposite side of my brother. I know that from this day. This is for ever going to be the way we sit at the table. As my mother sets down the pot with pasta down, my father starts speaking some nonsense. Something among the lines of : 'My work starts at 8 am. bla bla... taxes...bla bla bla" boring adult stuff. But then he starts talking to me : 'Cindy, you start school in 3 days on Monday. You should try to make some friends in the neighborhood so it will be easier to fit in for you.", for some reason his voice isn't nice or calming. It's more like a command. 'You HAVE to make friends and you HAVE to fit in at school.' Its okay though, everyone is stressed out and tired from the long ride and all that box-lifting. "Then in that case, can i go outside after dinner to explore and make friends?" i asked my parents. "Yes, be back by 9." and that's all i needed to hear.

There isn't much too do in a neighborhood where you don' t know anyone and you don't know the way. After looking around a little bit, i saw some colored chalk near the frond  yard of one of the houses in the neighborhood. It was only some pink and yellow so not many options. i started drawing on the road because the sidewalk was small and its not like there where any cars anyway. About half an hour later, still drawing on the road, behind the moving big moving truck that covert 90% of the road. 

In the distance i heart some talking. I stood up and walked to the side of the moving truck. peeking past the truck too see where the sound came from. No one? But before i could turn back to see if the sound came from the other side, 2 boys on bikes flew past me yelling while looking back at me. i jumped back while another boy on a bike flew past me. And i can only explain the next sound as a crash. It sounded like the first 3 boys fell, or crashed into each other while looking back at me instead of in frond of them. I heard a lot of peeping from brakes and some yelling and swearing. And before i could even poses that, I heard a very loud peeping of brakes super close to me, super close as in right next to my ear. I closed my eyes and covert my ears as a reflex. And when i opened my eyes again 2 seconds later...

There was another boy! A boy that hit his brakes as soon as he saw me. He stopped right in frond of me. In the middle of my artwork. For a second we looked at each other and tried to process what just happened. 2 of the boys that already passed my came walking back to us. "Your fucking fat ass truck is on the middle of the road! And so where you. Are you fucking stupid or something?!"he said yelling at me in a aggressive voice. "You guys totally ruined my drawing and now your swearing at me? Maybe if you looked through your eyes you would've seen the truck!", i answered him in defense. " I'm sorry about your drawing. Look out next time okay? You shouldn't sit in the middle of the road.", said the boy who stopped right in frond of me, he didn't sound as pissed or mean as the others though. I still didn't like him even a little bit. They all got up and continued to bike the other way. Not even a sorry from the other guy. Rude.

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