Fucked up Friday.

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Friday morning rolls around, We had science today again so  could give Chase my address and the paper. I saw him yesterday after school with his friends hanging on the nearby skate park. I wanted to go to him to give him the number but he was with a large group of boys who all looked older then 15, some even 18. One of his friends noticed me and pointed at me. But when Chase turned around and looked at me, he just smiled a little and started walking away with his friends.

Well today he is supposed to go to my house after school. I didn't know if my brother would come home early today, because he left his phone uncharged on the dinner table. Since it's a Friday night, my father will most likely be home after dinner to make up for his missed work. I hope he will stay as long as possible. I didn't clean the bathroom yet, even though he wanted me too. He wanted me too do a lot of cleaning but i didn't have the time. Maybe he won't notice? 

In science we discussed the project a little bit after i gave him the piece of paper. The whole day i was nervous, i kept picking at my nails and shaking my leg up and down as fast as humanly possible. I think he noticed i was nervous because he scanned me from up and down. I had my headphones on so i didn't hear the people near me talk to me. I felt extremely overwhelmed with stress and school. The teacher kept talking and talking and people are talking super loud and slow. or super loud and fast. I blocked out every single sound, even the music that was blasting through my headphones. Even the people that asked me to stop tapping my leg and set my music softer. It was all too much.

I felt as if i was going to pass out, drowning in my thoughts. Trying to concentrate on my breathing. Well that wasn't working and i was starting to get frustrated with myself. But then i felt a hand on my thigh. It broke me free and brought me back to reality.I felt my breathing going a bit slower again and my leg was suddenly feeling way too heavy to keep shaking up and down. My hands where still shaking but not as much. This happens often. But normally i could just go to the bathroom. But this teacher ignored my hand and just kept talking. 

While still having a hand on my thigh, i looked at who it was. Maybe Maria came here for me? I look up too see who the hand belonged too. It was Chase? He had his right hand on my thigh and was taking notes with his left hand. He wasn't even looking at me while he had his hand on my thigh? I stared at him for a good 20 seconds before he put his pen down and looked at me. "What's wrong?"he said with a concerning look. I didn't answer though. "Are you alight, maybe you should go to the bathroom and take a little break."he said while slowly moving his hand back to the piece of paper. "Uhm no i'm fine, i just erm... i didn't know you were left handed? and i've never seen you writing notes or actually listening to the teacher."i said with a soft voice. "Yeah yeah, here, i wrote you the notes. Don't think ill start writing notes from now on." he said with a jokingly tone to it as he was giving me the paper. I excused myself to the bathroom and stayed in there till the end of the lesson. 

At the end of the day i said goodbye to Maria. Somehow she got herself in detention for the 4th time this week. While walking to the bus Chase sneaked up to me with one of his friends. I jumped up when i saw a movement in the corner of my eye and i immediately turned around. 

"Wait that's your lab partner? That's the girl from a few weeks ago that was drawing in the middle of the road! Well in that case good luck with her, she can't even look both ways. Let alone make a project! Sucks for you loser.", said his friend laughing insultingly as if i wasn't right in frond of them. "Fuck off Liam, at least i didn't drop out of science because of my grades.", answered Chase in a jokingly way, but i also couldn't help but notice that he was defending me against his friend who looked way older and stronger. "whatever dude, shut up and go home with your new 'girlfriend'."the friend answered while walking away. He said the word 'girlfriend'in a annoyingly high pitched tone. 

When the bus arrived we got in and talked about the project on our way to my house. "But why didn't you want to go to your house?"i asked him out of curiosity. 'My house is just .. really really far away."he answered with a little bit higher pitched voice then normal. "But explain to me why you where biking near my house then? Wouldn't that be far then? "i said asked while trying to call him out. "Well why not your house huh?", he asked me in defense. "Well we just ..We still have a lot of boxes and stuff laying around everywhere..". i answered. I was lying, my father made me and my mother put everything away. 

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