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It's now Sunday morning. It's 7 AM and i accidentally woke up and couldn't fall asleep again. I kept having the same dream over and over again, even as a daydream. In the dream my dad hits me, but i look older in the mirror, its all so blurry. i tried to make out the face of the woman on the floor. But it's all just one big blur. 

Tomorrow is school again. I don't have any of my school stuff and i sleep extremely shitty. The bruises on my face are looking a lot better, but i can't say the same for the big blue bruise on my arm. It still hurts when i lean on my arm or even brush against it slightly. I'm worried that people at school may notice my obvious blue eye and the bruises and wounds. What if the principal notices and they call my parents? or even worse.. What if they send me home. So much stress and so little rest, overwhelming thoughts fill my head. It kept me up most of the night. 

But instead of worrying, i got up and changed really quickly, into some of Maria's old clothes. I went to the kitchen and started making some breakfast. I knew that Maria's oldest brother, was going to work at 8 AM. And he would drop the 2 little girls off by the nursery on his way to his work. Her older brother was 25, and was their main caretaker. Maria's mother was always working, and came home ones every week, very late. And her father left her when she was young. He still  pays child support though. But only for her brother Liam, because he was still only 16. And too Maria of course. Maria's oldest brother has a 9 to 6 job, so he comes home when dinner's ready. So i decided to make breakfast for everyone.

As i was done with all the eggs and toast, the sun began rising and slowly i heard movement upstairs. People where waking up, as i was setting the tableware on the dinner table. With some baby-food for the little ones. One of them was lactose intolerance, but because they are twins, i had no idea which one is which. And i now i wasn't the only one who didn't know. Because everything that is Ruby's is always Pink. And everything that is Lilly's, is purple. They picked those colors themselves, of course they don't know much about the colors, because they where 2 months old when they chose them. But they always walk to their colors, so when Maria's big brother came downstairs in his work outfit and with Lilly and Ruby in his hand, he sat them both on the floor and they automatically started walking to their colors. Ruby sat next to the big pink baby chair. While Lilly grabbed my baggie jeans with her little hands, gripping with the strongest grip a 1 year old could have. 

Ones i sat them both down, Liam and Chase came downstairs and sat next to Ruby and Lilly. I remembered to also make Chase breakfast. But still he acted surprised when i came walking out of the kitchen with a carton of milk and a pack of cereal. "Good morning, your Cynthia right? Thank you for making breakfast, its very nice of you..Where is Maria?"said the oldest brother while trying to feed Lilly a bide of her blended apple- carrot food. I thanked him and pointed to the couch. Where Maria was laying with her mouth open, upside down on the couch...."Yeah she is definitely still in her deep sleep"said Liam while shoving half of his toast in his mouth. "You should let her sleep,  she will be mad if you wake her up out of her deep sleep." said Chase, while putting salt on his egg. "and how would you know? Do you watch her sleep or something?"i said concerned, saying it before thinking twice. Liam spit all the orange juice he had in his mouth out, and laughed histrionically. Or well, more like a hyena... And Maria's oldest brother started chug ling. Chase jumped up and started defending himself. While Liam laughingly said "Dude, your only making it worse". 

After Maria's big brother left for work with the twins, Liam and Chase went outside. Maria was still sleeping, it's like she was i a coma or something,  Damn girl wake up it's 11 AM....After she woke up, we did some schoolwork and we went outside after. We saw Chase and Liam with a group of boys,  smoking and handing each-other bags of probably coke or weet. Maria and i stayed away from then. We tried to avoid them. After meeting up with some girlfriends of ours, and with ours i mean Maria's. We hang around a little and bough some drinks and went to the mall. I didn't buy anything though, i didn't have my money with me. 

After returning to her home and eating dinner, we noticed Chase and Liam didn't get home yet. When it was midnight, they still haven't returned. Where the fuck are they? We where getting worried and started to try to find their locations. They where both offline. Or their phone died or they turned it off. When it was 1 AM, and they must've have 20 missed calls from both of us, We heard someone knocking aggressively but slowly on the frond door. When Maria stood up and opened the door. And jaw dropped on the floor. "Chase? Chase.!? What the actual fuck happened to you? Where is Liam and why are your hands fucked up?!"i heard Maria scream. I ruched to the door and when i stood in-frond of the door, i saw Chase with bloody knuckles and bruises. Probably high as fuck and maybe drunk too. 

"Liam.. Liam is in a fight and he-..He is in trouble."Chase said out of breath, with bloodshot eyes and a bruise on his cheeks. Blood was running down from his lip and he looked like he got jumped by a whole gang. Maria turned around and grabbed her jacked, i already had my shoes on. Not ideal running shoes..but it was good enough. I ran outside and Chase pointed the way. Maria came running out of the house and closed the door behind her. I just kept running, Maria will probably catch up somehow.. 

When i turned a corner i arrived at the nearby skate park. And i saw A group of boys, probably all 16 or older, standing around Liam and 2 others. yelling and screaming stuff. I ran. as fast as i could. as fast as my legs could take me. And when i was almost there, one of the boys, who looked around 17, turned around and stepped out the way for me to get trough. I immediately stood between the boys and in frond of Liam, who was on the ground at this point and looked beaten up pretty badly. I looked at him for a second, making eye contact for a second, before turning around to analyze one of the 2 boys. But before i could even make out their faces, one of them swung at me with full force. But i ducked and pushed him away, to his friends behind him. He stumbled back and fell against his friends, who where still hyping him up. The other boy yelled at me. "Fuck you doing here, get the fuck away you slut." he yelled while moving closer again, having a threatening look on his face. "Get the fuck away from him motherfucker, just talk it out like actual humans, not like fucking dogs fighting over a goddamn stick.. grow the fuck you before you call someone a slut." I answered with a strict face. Of course i was scared, but not scared enough to back up. I turned around and helped Liam up his feet. He walked back a few steps in shame. I turned back and in a flits i saw Chase pounding at the boy who just called me a slut.

"Fuck you calling her? Don't be calling woman shit when you can't even pay for your own drug fucker. " said Chase with a aggressive, and angry face, while still selling punches to the boy that's on the ground at this point. I was in shock for a few seconds. But i pulled Chase off the guy while Maria was helping Liam. "It's okay.. we're leaving. Stop fucking with funny business. I pulled Chase with me and pushed some guys away. Some of them we're calling us name and swearing. And some where laughing and hyping us up. I didn't care about any of them though. I signed to Maria to come with us, while Chase was leaning on my shoulder. I looked back and saw Liam walking while Maria was bombarding him, giving him a lecture at full volume. There weren't any houses near, but still. This must've caused someone to wake up. Chase was limping and i knew he was in pain. Liam looked a little better though. He had also been attacked him only for a few seconds. Chase had been beaten up by a big group. 

"What the fuck happened back there?"i asked with a concerned look on my face. "It wasn't  fucking fair, it was 2 against 1!"Liam shouted before Chase could answer me. "We didn't  have what they wanted to buy, so they got mad at us. They own us some shit so one of my home guys confronted them. And they started a big fight. And just like that, we were in the middle."

It was pretty late when we returned to maria's house. Since school starts in a few hours, i decided to stay up and clean Liam and Chase's wounds and bruises. We all pulled a all-nighter so we could cover our bruises. Besides Maria, she fell asleep as soon as she hit the couch. 


* Ya'll this chapter is a long one again so please leave some feat back and let me know what you would like to see in the next chapter, because i'm running out of ideas for fun and interesting parts. Thank you fro your support and i'll definitely continue with this story :)* 

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